Accounting Procedures Handbook

PENSION/BENEFITS 17.3 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS e.g. rounding. Save letter with a “save as” prompt. c. Print, sign & fax letter to BANK OF NEW YORK Custody Services asper letter. Make copy for file. d. Mail signed original e. Email copy to Croft via GroupWise attachment. 5. Update spreadsheet Aetna Quarter End Activity.xls. a. Adjust Range SA174 as needed; b. Enter wire amount in Transfers column in appropriate month. c. Save file. 6. Submit to Comptroller as needed for review. B. Aetna Retirement Plan- Monthly reporting to Trustees The purpose of this activity is to maintain the detail of activity of Aetna General Account, Aetna SA-174, asset mix and combined summary. Asset Mix 1. Retrieve Excel spreadsheet Aetna Plan/Aetna quarter end Activity.xls 2. For non-quarter end months, enter the following market values from the IB&T portfolio evaluation: a. Money Market - Money Market Fund; b. Fixed Income - US & international bonds, taxable fixed income and preferred stock & 30-day paper. c. Equities - total common stocks; d. Total Assets - total percentage must equal 100% 3. For quarter end months, enter the following market values fromthe Investment Manager’s Portfolio Valuation: a. Money Market - Cash and equivalents; b. Fixed Income - Government, Governmental agency bonds, corporate bonds, bond funds and preferred stock. c. Equities - common stocks; d. Total Assets - total percentage must equal 100% 4. Annual average - Change divisor to months entered. 5. Repeat for County Plan. Aetna General Account 1. Enter disbursements with detail, transfers, fees and income; 2. Confirm month end balance in worksheet equals statement; 3. Enter Annuity Allocation; 4. Adjust print range for quarterly reporting; 5. Repeat for County Plan. Aetna Disbursement account (SA174) 1. Enter disbursements with detail, transfers, fees and income; a. Edit column and enter total retirement payments, Confirm disability payments with worksheet {YY} pays b. Periodically test benefit payment charges to annual fee schedule 2. Confirm month end balance in worksheet equals statement;