Accounting Procedures Handbook

23 APPENDICES The following documents serve as appendices and authoritative sources for information contained in the Accounting Procedures Manual. Links are provided for some documents, for Policies and Procedures please refer to the WCBOE webpage o r BoardDocs® . Further listings of relevant Policies and Procedures can be found in Section 3 of this manual 1. Investment Policies and Procedures a. ADM-FIN-PL-001, Investment Policy b. ADM-FIN-PR-001, Investments Procedure c. ADM-FIN-PL-015, Investment Policy for 403(b), 457(b), and 401(a) Plan Policy d. ADM-FIN-PR-006, Investment Procedure for 403(b), 457(b), and 401(a) Plan Policy e. ADM-FIN-PL-011, Retirement Plan Trust for Employees of Wicomico County and the Board of Education of Wicomico County Investment Policy 2. Grant Procedures Manual 3. School Food Service – Financial Accounting and Reporting Manual 4. Accounting Manual for Bookkeepers 5. Procurement Policy & Procedure a. ADM-FIN-PL-013, Procurement Policy b. ADM-FIN-PR-004, Procurement Procedures 6. Travel Policy & Procedure a. ADM-FIN-PL-006, Travel and Mileage Reimbursement Policy b. ADM-FIN-PR-003, Travel Procedures