Accounting Procedures Handbook

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 11.4 ASSETS o AA prints Quote and converts to an Invoice. • AA prints 2 copies of invoice. Send one copy to the renter and place one copy in the current invoices binder. o Mail custodian and utility invoices together. o Note on invoice that bill for security is pending (if security was provided). 3. Security Bills • Accounting Associate I (AA) receives bill from Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department. • AA finds Quote and converts the cost to actual per bill from Sheriff’s department. • Print 2 copies of bill. Send one to the renter and place one copy in the current invoices binder 4. Aged Facilities Rentals • Using Aged Receivables Report in the billing program: o >30 days- Contact customer via telephone to get a promise to pay date. If promise to pay date is > 3 months in the future, receive approval from the Accounting Manager. If unable to reach the user by phone, send a “pre- approved” 30-day form letter signed by the Accounting Manager. o > 60 days- Contact customer via telephone. Remind user of promise to pay. Get a new promise to pay date. If promise to pay date is > 30 days in the future, receive approval from the Accounting Manager. If unable to reach the user by phone, send a “pre-approved” 60-day form letter signed by the Accounting Manager. o > 90 days- Contact customer via telephone. Remind user of promise to pay. Get a new promise to pay date. If promise to pay date is > 30 days in the future, receive approval from the Accounting Manager. If unable to reach the user by phone, send a “pre-approved” 90-day form letter signed by the Accounting Manager. 5. Write offs • When deemed uncollectible, receive written approval of Comptroller to write off. • Complete Form AF-10. • Send to Assistant Superintendent for signature. • When form is received from Asst. Superintendent, notify Accounting Manager to get GL #. • Create credit memo. • Put customer on the “No Rent” list. • Send Facilities the updated “No Rent” list. B. Retirees Billing There are two methods of billing retirees for their health insurance premiums: 1. Yearly • Accounting Associate I sends invoice to retiree to notify of annual premium due. • Retiree pays via personal check by September 30, 100% of the amount of the premium. 2. Monthly Debit • Accounting Associate I using M&T Bank’s Batch Summary report from