Accounting Procedures Handbook

GRANTS 14.1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND name, grant account number (MSDE), grant account (G/L Accounting System), grant name, grant funding amount, grant funding source (federal, state, or local), grant funding source code (MSDE) and grant ending date. Grant budget totals on this Log are reconciled to the Grant Budget Totals in the G/L Accounting System Grant File Database. Maintain Grant Log in a designated notebook in the Grant Accountant’s workstation. F. Performing Miscellaneous Annual Financial Tasks 1. Develop Restricted Budget for Consolidated Budget (upon request from Budget Manager): Review restricted grants/funds contained in the current year Consolidated Budget to identify those to include in the projected budget for the upcoming year. Add any newly anticipated restricted grants/funds and exclude any discontinued restricted grants/funds. For any new restricted grants/funds, provide a brief narrative, which describes its program objectives. Compile this information into the proper format and submit to the Budget Manager. A preliminary budget and subsequent final budget is submitted as requested by the Budget Manager. Refer to Section 9 (Budget Process) for additional information related to the consolidated budget development, approval, implementation and monitoring processes. 2. Assist in Preparation of Master Plan Annual Financial Schedules (Based on the Schedule provided by the WCBOE Coordinator for School Improvement/ Strategic Planning): Prepare 1.) Attachment 1 - Total Revenue Statement (use prior year's Attachment 1, Trial Balance for prior year activity, and the upcoming year budgets to compile information); 2.) Attachment 2 - Total Expenditure Statement (use prior year's Attachment 2, Consolidated Statement of Expenditures for prior year, and the upcoming year budgets to compile information); and 3.) Attachment 3 - Total Full-Time Equivalent Staff Statement (use prior year's Attachment 3, and the upcoming year budgets to compile information). 3. Prepare Annual Restricted Salary Projections Analysis (Upon Request from Comptroller): Prepare the spreadsheet which projects total funding requirements necessary to support current staffing levels (salaries and fixed charges) and indirect costs on a grant by grant basis. 4. Review Annual Indirect Cost Plan Calculation (Upon Receipt of New Indirect Cost Rate Plan from MSDE Business Services): Complete Indirect Cost Plan Reconciliation Spreadsheet and resolve any differences.