Accounting Procedures Handbook

15 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION FUND • School Construction Accountant prepares a journal entry via BusinessPlus workflow to record the receivable due from the county. The Comptroller or Accounting Manager approves the journal entry via BusinessPlus workflow. C. Accounts Receivable Billing - Request IAC Reimbursement to Board of Ed (LEA) • Using the IAC/PSCP Administrative Procedures Guide, the School Construction Accountant completes the appropriate form to request reimbursement of Board’s payment to the contractor. • As evidence of Board payment to the contractor, the School Construction Accountant makes several copies of the contractor check. • Make 2 copies of the completed IAC form. • Mail the original authorized IAC form, one copy of the check, and the authorization backup to the Executive Director of the State of Maryland Public School Construction Program. • File the other copy of the form and the check in the IAC notebook until the wire transfer of funds is received. • Upon receipt of the IAC form stamped with the check number and date paid, the School Construction Accountant stamps the date received by the Board and files the original confirmation IAC form with date paid in the IAC notebook as a permanent record. • The School Construction Accountant prepares a journal entry via BusinessPlus workflow to record the IAC payment using a copy of the confirmation IAC form as the supporting documentation. The Comptroller or Accounting Manager approves the journal entry via BusinessPlus workflow. D. E-Rate Program This program is coordinated by the Procurement Manager. Participation in this program provides potential discounts on telecommunications related bills for the organization. For information regarding the E-Rate application for the discount process or any other aspects of the E-Rate program, contact the Procurement Manager and/or visit the following website of the Schools and Libraries Division of USAC : The E-rate program is part of the Universal Service Program, which is administered by the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). This not-for-profit corporation was appointed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to ensure that the benefits of telecommunications services reach students and communities across the country. The Schools and Libraries Committee of the Universal Service Administrative Company Board of Directors oversees the programmatic aspects of the schools and libraries support mechanisms. Oversight includes: (i) determining how USAC will project demand for schools and libraries programs, (ii) developing applications as needed for programs, (iii) administering the application process, (iv) determining discount levels, (v) performing outreach and education functions, and (vi) developing and implementing other distinctive program functions. Note: Supporting documentation and files related to the E-rate Program are maintained in the Purchasing Department. Contact the Procurement Manager for more information or if you have any questions related to this program. Funds received from this program are used to maintain and improve the Board’s Technology