Bennett Middle School Be Legendary THE DAILY SCHEDULE Bennett Middle School will operate on a two- day schedule Monday through Friday. It is more important to think of the day as an “A” and “B” day rather than Monday, Tuesday, etc. PBIS To improve student success, Bennett Middle School will once again be implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program (PBIS). This research-based program is designed to improve student behavior, student achievement, and good attendance by setting clear and consistent expectations for building positive character. Our PBIS plan focuses on kindness, responsibility, and achievement. Students who consistently demonstrate these attributes will earn digital rewards and will be invited to participate in quarterly school-wide incentive events. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES From time to time, there will be activities that take place after regular school hours, such as dances, sports, and clubs. There may be attendance, academic, and/or behavior expectations in order to participate in dances, sports, or cubs. Admission to dances is by ticket only. Tickets must be obtained in advance. No tickets will be sold or distributed at the door. Students who have 1-4 days of Out of School Suspension may not attend an afterschool event for 10 school days, including suspension days. Once a student has 5 or more days of Out of School suspension, the student may not attend after- school activities for 45 school days. (This does not include band, chorus, or tutoring) Students participating in after school activities (i.e. band, chorus, intramurals, detention, clubs, dances, tutoring, etc.) should be picked up within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the activity. Failure to abide by this policy may result in disciplinary consequences and will result in the loss of participation in further extracurricular events. Students participating in after-school, non- curricular activities must meet the county criteria. The following criteria is in place for all school dances: • At least a 2.0 GPA from the most recent report card • No out of school suspensions for the current semester • No more than 2 unexcused absences for the current semester.