Bennett Middle School Student Handbook 2024-2025

Absence from school without your parent’s/guardian’s consent (truancy) is not acceptable. Truancy is unexcused; therefore, disciplinary actions will follow as stated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. Students that have 5 or more unexcused absences in a quarter will be placed on an Attendance Intervention Plan. DETENTIONS Students assigned after school detention are required to serve the detention. The detention slip must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the appropriate teacher. If a student fails to stay for the assigned detention, the teacher will contact the student’s parent/guardian and reassign the detention one time. If the student fails to stay for the reassigned detention, further disciplinary action will result. DRESS CODE See the Dress Code in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. Students violating the dress code will be asked to change or parents will be notified to bring a change of clothing. FIRE/EMERGENCY DRILLS Each classroom has a set of directions for leaving the building during a fire drill. These directions are posted by the exit door. Read these directions and learn what to do in the event of a drill or fire. When the bell sounds, move quickly and in an orderly manner towards the exit. Do not run. When outside the building, students should move with his/her class to a reasonable distance from the school and remain in a single file with his/her class. Students should return to the school with their teacher when assigned. If the fire bell rings at lunchtime, students exit on the side of the cafeteria and move in an orderly manner outside. If the fire bell rings during class change, all students are to exit the building at the nearest exit and locate the teacher of the class the student was just dismissed from. Form a single file line with that class. “Safe in Place” and “Lock Down” drills will be held periodically throughout the school year to ensure preparedness in case of an emergency. SCHOOL COUNSELORS, STUDENT ADVISORS, AND CAREER COUNSELOR Counselors and our student advisor provide services which include, but are not limited to, academic guidance, behavioral counseling, peer relationship issues, mentoring and crisis intervention. They also advise and link students and parents to appropriate community support and services. Our counselors will help students plan class schedules and guide in the selection of courses. Students may be referred to a counselor or the student advisor by parents, staff, or peers. Students may also refer themselves for services. HALLWAY RULES Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. Students are expected to keep the hallways neat and clean. Keep a reasonable distance between yourself and others. Walk on the right- hand side of the hallway. The wearing of hoods/hats is not permitted in the hallways.