Bennett Middle School Student Handbook 2024-2025

HEALTH SERVICES All students who become ill or injured during the school day should report to the school nurse or report to the office. Students are required to report to their class in order to obtain a pass from the teacher. Students will not be seen without a pass. ONLY THE NURSE will determine if the student should go home. If a student is ill enough to be sent home, the nurse will call the parent/guardian to inform him/her of the student’s condition. It is the parent/guardian’s decision when to pick up the student and take that student home. Upon leaving, the student must sign out in the office. Periodically students must take medication during the school day. The student must have a PHYSICIAN’S MEDICATION ORDER FORM filled out by the doctor prescribing the drug and a copy of this form must be on file with the nurse. This includes all over the counter and prescription medications. The medication must be kept with the nurse, not on the students’ person. MEDIA CENTER Books may be signed out from the Media Center for a period of time. If the book is not returned on or before the date it is due, you will be fined each day beyond the due date. When the overdue book is returned, the fine no longer accumulates. If a book is lost, the student will be charged the replacement cost of the book. The cost of books is very expensive, so great care should be exercised in the handling of books. No book is to be taken out of the media center until media personnel have properly checked it out. Violation or abuse of media center procedures will result in the loss of media privileges. SCHOOL FUNCTIONS Students participating in any activity sponsored by the school will be under direct supervision of a member of the school staff and chaperones in charge. Students are expected to always be well behaved and act in a respectful manner as the Code of Conduct remains in effect for all school functions. Failure to abide by the code of conduct will result in disciplinary action. Any student who does not cooperate is subject to exclusion from future school functions. Students must be picked up on time from the after-school function. TARDINESS Tardiness is in two (2) categories – lateness to class and lateness to school. The time provided between classes, three to five minutes, is the maximum time required for reporting to the next class. You are expected to report to class on time, be seated and wait for class to begin. If you are late to class, the teacher will deal with your lateness according to county policy as indicated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. The office, in accordance with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct, will handle lateness to school. CELL PHONES Cell phones are permitted on school grounds but are brought to school at the student’s own risk. Silent use of cell phones is permitted during their assigned lunch shift. Cell phones should not be used during instruction unless explicitly permitted by the teacher. Failure to abide by these expectations will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the website to read a full description of the cell phone policy.