TELEPHONE USE A phone in the main office is available for student use before school and after school. Emergency use of the telephone during school days requires permission from an administrator or office staff. Wicomico County Public School policy does not permit the use of cell phones to contact parents during the school day. TEXTBOOKS/LAPTOPS All textbooks/laptops, accessories are the property of and paid for by the Board of Education. These books/laptops and accessories are issued to students for their use. Once issued to the student, the textbooks/laptops, and accessories, become the student’s responsibility. Students should take good care of these textbooks/laptops, and accessories. Fines will be charged by the designated Administrator for damaged or lost textbooks/laptops, and accessories. Depending on the cause of the damage, a disciplinary referral may be written. Price lists on all textbooks/laptops, and accessories are maintained in the main office. The lost textbooks/laptops, and accessories must be paid for before the student will be issued a new one. STUDENT PICK-UP To ensure the safety of all students, you must be on the student’s contact list and must show photo ID in order to pick up any student or be permitted to visit the student’s class. We ask that parents avoid picking up their student between 3:00PM-3:15PM, as the school in the midst of dismissal procedures. VISITORS ALL visitors MUST visit the school office, present their valid driver’s license, and obtain a visitor’s pass before going to any location in the building. This procedure is designed to protect your child and the staff. Please follow the procedure at all times. CODE OF CONDUCT The Code of Conduct will be reviewed by your child’s grade level administrator within the first few weeks of school. The code of conduct is easily accessible through our website. Thrillshare An automated telephone call system, Thrillshare, will be used throughout the school year to communicate school-related information to parents and guardians. It is important that BMS have the most recent telephone information/numbers, and email address so we may contact you regarding student attendance, school sponsored events, and PTA related functions. Thrillshare will also be used in the case of a school emergency to notify parents or guardians of a school or community safety issue. Thirllshare is also used by the Board of Education to notify families of school closings and other county-wide events.