9 FIELD TRIPS A single class, grade level, or combination of classes frequently takes field trips. They are not, however, a requirement. Fo bi ej ledc tt irvi pe ss taar ue gt ha kt ep nr i ao tr tthoet dh ies tcrriept iaonndoaf pt hp er ot pe ar icaht ee res xat te en as ci ohng ar ac tdi ev iltei ev se lc aonndd umcut es dt baef t ceur rtrhi ec ut lrui pm. oWr iheennt et dr i pwsi tahr es pt ae kc ief ni c, istt ui sd emnot ss twi mh opdo or tna on tt at ht taetn adl. l Imf tehmi sbcerresa toef st ah ef i nc al anscsi aalt pt erno db .l e Omt hf oerr wa fi as em, isl ye ,vpe lreaal slee scsaol lntsh ewsi lcl hhoaovl ep rni on cmi peaal noirn ag s fsoi sr t tahnet principal to discuss possible arrangements for assistance. Such calls will be kept confidential. Money for field trips is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the cost of buses and the cost of any awdemaiststaensscethfeeeasb.soItluisteimmpinoismsiubmle ttoo preafyufnodr mthoeneexyppenaisdesfolirsttreidpsabifo, vfoer. any reason, a person cannot participate, since Once a teacher decides to take the class on a field trip, teachers will provide written notice to parents of all details concerning the trip. Questions about trips should be directed to the child's homeroom teacher. SCHOOL PICTURES pP ri cetourrdees r o/ fp ri ne dp iavyi dbuaas li ss. t uEdv ee nr yt se af froer tt ahkaesnb iene nt hme aFdael l t aoss we l ee lclt at sh ei nmtohset Sr er pa isnogn aabnldy mp rai cdeedapviacitlua rbel es et or vai cl le poaf rf ee rnet ds ; oann da Se pv er irnygt hPi ni cgt ufreea sDi ba yl eahnads abreeeanl sdoomn ea dteo asveaei ltahbalte qt ou aplai trye ns tesr voinc ea ipsr epor or dv ei dre/dp.r eCpl aasys bpaiscitsu. r e s a r e o n l y t a k e n d u r i n g o u r FIRE/SAFETY DRILLS Fo ri r ae nDar ni l nl sowu ni l cl ebme ec on nt dr eugcat er dd i onng aa rceogduel,apr l be aa ss ies ftohl rl oowg otuhtet hi nes st rc uh cotoi ol ny es agri.v Iefny toou yaorue ibny tshcehsocohl opoel rws ohnenneal . f iDr er i bl l es l ol rf itnhgi ss nature are practiced with the children and staff in order to ensure their safety and well being. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS/ STORE BOUGHT FOOD As cLhLo fool o. dP lme ausset ub en ds et or rs et abnodutghhi st ai sn ad si na cf el ut yd emneua tsrui trieo fno lra cbhe il lsdor en nt hwei tpha cs ke va eg re e. Nf ooo dh oaml l eermg iaedseafnodo da l ml i an yg rbeeddi ei snttrsi bmuut es td baet rtoevciheewcekdfoforratshteudsaefnettaylloefrtghye.se children. Please contact the classroom teacher prior to sending in celebration items LOST and FOUND Ls mo satl li tteomhsa na gr e. Td hi sepslea ys emda il nl i tt ehme sc aafreet ekrei pa tdi ani ltyh, eesxcche opot lf oo rf f ijceew. eAl rt yt,hwe aetncdh eosf , eeaycehg ml a sasreksi nagnpdeor ti oh de ,r ciltoetmh isn tghtaht aat ries nt ooot claimed will be donated to a charity.