6 AS t un du et rni tt si o inna lKliunndcehr gi sa rpt reenp tahr reoduagnhd 2sne dr vgerda di ne oaurre ceanf ec toeurri aa gt eode nt os upraer tt hi cai pt ay toeu ri nc ht hi led lwu ni l cl hh apvreo ga rda ami l ya sb aal apnacret domf oe ua lr. ebme ppuhracshisasoendp. roper nutrition. Milk is served with each platter or can be purchased separately. Ice cream may also Lunch is provided at no cost to ANY student enrolled in Beaver Run. No application is needed to receive free or reduced meals. CAFETERIA 1. Table manners must be used at all times. 2. Students who do not follow 3 B’s expectations may receive disciplinary measures. 3. Students must move throughout the cafeteria in an orderly fashion and cannot get up without permission. 4. Each class is responsible for the cleanliness of their area. 5. Bottled or canned carbonated drinks are not permitted. No glass is permitted. 6. Students are responsible for knowing their lunch account number each day HOMEWORK Hd ios mc reewt i oonr ko if st haen cel xatsesnr os ioomn toef awc hoerrk ainndt r omdauyc evda rby ya ct hr oe s cs l at hs ser goroamd et-el ea vc he le. rW. Hhoe mn eywo uorr kc hai sl ds i gdnome se hn at sv ea rae hl oe fmt eawt ot hr ke assignment, you can assist by doing the following: Provide a quiet work space with all necessary supplies. Set a time and routine for doing homework each night. Check to see if assignments are completed in a neat and conscientious manner Help when necessary but do not take over the assignment. Each night, students should read or be read to for 20 minutes. TUESDAY FOLDERS Each student will bring home their weekly assignment, notes written by their teachers, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all graded papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. ASSESSMENTS/TESTS Ready for Kindergarten (R4K) is Maryland’s Early Childhood Comprehensive Assessment System. It is Sd teuvdeel onpt smi ne nptrael lkyi nadpepr rgoapr trei ant we ial lnbde aa lsi sgensss ewdi tuhs i nt hget hSet aEtaer’ sl y rLi ge oa rr no ui nsg PArsesKe s- 1s m2 eCnotl l(eEgLeA )a na nd dCsat ruedeern- Rt seiandkyi nSdt ae nr gdaarrtde sn. wt oi lbl ebtet ears sme seseet dt hues i nn ge et dh se oKfi nt dh ee ri rg as rt ut edne nRtesa. d Pi naersesnAt ss soef s ss tmu de ne nt (t sK Ri nA k) . i nTdeearcghaerrt se nu swe itl hl er edcaetiav ef r oa mn Itnhdeisvei daus as el sSstmu deennt st Report (ISR), which gives information about their child’s skills, abilities, an development. Assessments in Math will be administered 3 times a year in grades 1st – 2nd and 2 times a year in K using the MAP GR reoa wd itnhe ps sl aSt ft oa nr md airnd os .r di Re re at od ymi es aas uc or emspt uu dt eern bt aascehdi epv reomg er anmt own ivt ha rbi ouui lst si nt a ansdsaersdssmi ne nt thseg iMv ea nr y3l atni md eCso lal eygeea ar ni nd gC raar de ee sr 1st-2nd grade and 2 times a year in Kindergarten. Parents are informed of the dates of these assessments through our r sc e h o s u a u r n l e t t d y s t w o e f i s t t t h h in e pg a a cr s a e s l n e e t s n s s d d m a u r e r n win t h s g i ac s n h tu d y d o m e u n a r t k c t e e h a i p l c d l h a w e n r s i l c l f o o b n r r f i a n e n r g e y h n o s c u m e p s e . p W a le t e m t h e e e n n c s t o t a a u l r r i t n a o s g f t e r e u y a o c c t u h i o t s o n c .h d o i R s o c e l u s y us e s l a t t s r h . o e T f e s t t a h a c e n h s d e e a r s r a d s ms s e e a e s n s t d m t o a e s d n s i t e s s s c s u w m s i s l e l t n h b t e e s w2 iatshs et esas cmheenr st s. aI nr ea ud sdei tdi oans teontthr ye cCroi tGeAr iTa af os sretshsemGernatdwe i3l l Mb ea ggni veetnPtroo gGrraamd e. 2 s t u d e n t s i n t h e s p r i n g . S o m e o f t h e G r a d e