Beaver Run 2024-2025 Student Handbook

7 REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS Pwri ot hg reeascshRcehpi ol dr tfso aurre t si me nets hpoemr ey ef oa ur .r tTi hmee fsi npaelr ryeepaorr itnc tahr ed mwiidl ldbl ee omf at hi l ee dMhaor kmi ne ga Tf tee rrmt h. eRleaps ot rstt uc adrednst adraey sienn Jtuhnoem. Ae request for a conference may be indicated on the report card by the teacher. You may request a parent/teacher conference at any time during the school year. You are asked to sign the report card envelope and return it to school. Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Checklists use the following letter designations: PR – Proficient IP – In Process ND – Needs Development NY – Not Yet WR – Written Report First and Second Grades Grade O, S, NI A, B, C, D, or E First Grade Special Areas RLaenagduinagg,eM, Sactiheenmcea,tSicosc,ial Studies, Media Second Grade Special Areas RLaenagduinagg,eM, Sapthelelminagt, iSccsi,ence, Social Studies, Media PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Treeqaucehsetros ratrheeeynmcoauyrcaognetdactot yroeuqubeysyt opuarrecnhtildco’snafegreenndcae, sa ansotthee need arises. They may do this with the report card , or a phone call. Parents should also request conferences with teachers. The best procedure for these requests is to send a note to your child's teacher(s) for an appointment. The teacher(s) will respond to your note with an appointment time. Questions and concerns should be discussed with the teacher(s) involved. If you feel further discussion is necessary, afircsotntfaelrkeendcwe withiththteheteparcihnecrip(sa)l.or assistant principal may be requested. This should be done, however, after you have Parent Conference Night (s) will be hosted a minimum of two times throughout the school year. **MWoenddnaeysd-Faeyb-rOucatroyb5er 18th, 2023 5p.m.-7 p.m. , 2024 5p.m.-7 p.m. SCHOOL BUS RULES 1. The bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. Students are expected to obey the bus driver. 2. If students have to cross the road when boarding or leaving the bus, they are to WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS. The driver can then warn students of danger. They are to look both ways before crossing the road. 3. Students are to enter and leave the bus by the front door. The back door is for emergency use only. Do not touch it, except in case of an emergency. 54.. SSttuuddeennttss aarree etoxpseitcftaecdintog pforrowmaprtdly, ktaekepeitnhge sheaantdass,sairgmnesdatnodthheemad. inside the bus window, and keeping feet, legs, books and belongings out of the aisle. 67 .. CS thuedwe inntgs ga ur emt oo rh ee al pt i tnhge odnr it vheer bkuese ips tnhoet bpuesr mc l ietat en d. . 98.. OSmrdoiknianrgy acnodnvperrosfaatnioenlains gpueargmeiswsiilbl lneo. t be tolerated on th e bus. 10. Consequences imposed by the driver range from one to 30 days off of the school bus. Repeated offenses may result in suspension for the remainder of the school year.