Beaver Run 2024-2025 Student Handbook


1 Welcome to Beaver Run School! We are a proud Title I and Judy Center school! We serve approximately 700 PreK-Grade 2 students MISSION STATEMENT Bc oenafviedre nRtu, rne sSpcohnosoilb lwe ,i lsle lsft-rdi ivree cttoe dmaenedt lti hf eel oendgulceaatrinoenrasl. n e e d s o f a l l c h i l d r e n s o t h a t t h e y w i l l b e BELIEF STATEMENTS  BmeeaevtetrhReunneeSdchs ooof lawllicllhpilrdorveind.e a safe and orderly environment to promote an academic atmosphere that will  Aprsoumccoetesssfeullf-BgeraovwetrhR. un student will be able to recognize his/her academic and social strengths in order to  Achnaleleffnegcetisveallcslatussdreonotms toiswoonrek itno twhehiirchfuallepsot spiotitveentaiattli.tude and perception about learning motivates and  Aleaqrunailnitgypirnoscterusscttioonaaccl opmromgroadmateprtohveildeeasrnainvagrsietytyleos foof papllocrhtiuldnriteines. that actively engage the students in the  BageeanvceiresR.un will be an active partner with the Wicomico County Judy Center Partnership and other outside SCHOOL HOURS 8:45 A.M. School Building Opens 9:15 A.M. Classes Begin for all students 3:15 P.M. No students will be dismissed from the office past this time 3:45 P.M. Car rider Dismissal Begins 3:45 P.M. Bus Dismissal Begins 4:15 P.M. School Building Closes SIX DAY ROTATION CALENDAR SAcdhaoyo. l sTihneWl ai sc to lme ti tceor Cdoauynitny tahree csycchl ee druolteadt i oo nn ai s sFi xd- da ya .y Tr ohtias tpi or no gsrcehsesdi ounl ec. oTnht ienrue ef osrteh, rt oh ue gf hi ros ut td tahyeosf cshcohooloyl ewa irl.l bI fet ahne lsaesnt dd ha oy ms teu di nefnotrsmaat tt ieonnd eddu rbi ne fgo trhe ea f hi ros lti dwaeye wk aosf sCc dh aoyo,l itthwa ti l wl bi lel ai nDf o- rdma yywo uh eanb ot huet ywrheitcuhr nd.a yYso yuor ucrh iclhdi’ lsdt ehaacshseprewc i ial ll classes such as physical education, art, music and media. PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) iPso as i tsiyvset eBme hs aavpi oprraolaIcnht eur sveedn ttioo nesnahna dn cSeu pt hpeo rctasp(aPcBi tIyS )oifs sac ph rooocl se stso f oe rd uc rceaat et i na gl l scahf ei l rd raennd bmyo ur et i el ifzf iencgt i vr ee ssecahroc ohl-sb. aPsBe IdS, sscuhpopoolrtwide, and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and positive behavior for all students. PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate pe frfoeccet idvuer es cs haonodl pwr iodcee, scs leass isnr toeonmd ,e dn of onr- cal lal ssstruodoemn ,t sa, nadl l ss tt aufdf eanntdsapl el cs ief ti ct i ndgi ssc i p l i n e p l a n s . P B I S i n c l u d e s s c h o o l - w i d e . Beaver Run uses the “DOJO” system to reward students. More information may be found at Beaver Run CODE OF CONDUCT Expected behaviors are posted in all areas of the school.  Be Kind  Be Safe  Be Responsible Oi nnc eandt ai vi ley tbhaesyi sm, sut us td se anvt se wt hi el l dh ea sv ieg tnhaet eodp pn ou rmt ubne irt yo ft op eo ai nr tns “ tDoOaJ tOt e” npdo. i nOt sn. cI ef sdt uu rdienngt se awcohu lidn sl itkr eu ct ot i oa nt tael ncdy tchl ee smt uodnet hn lt ys can participate in school-wide incentives.

2 DRESS CODE A student’s appearance should reflect pride and respect for self and for school. Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, is torn and ragged, unsafe, or causes a disturbance, is in poor taste and not acceptable. All students should groom and dress themselves neatly in items that are suitable for school activities. No cosmetics or nail polish brought to school. No cosmetics should be worn at school. The following types of clothing are unacceptable: · Halter tops · Midriff shirts · See-through blouses · Large armhole blouses/shirts · Eyelet or fishnet shirts · Tank tops · Very short shorts or skirts · Thong shoes and flip-flops · Hats, scarves, and other head coverings, except for religious or cultural reasons, nside the building. · T-shirts displaying vulgar, obscene, and/or inappropriate pictures and/or writing · Sagging pants that drag the floor or expose skin or undergarments · Picks or combs protruding from the hair · Brass knuckle rings and distracting chains or key-chains · Coats and jackets inside the building · Gang symbols · Sunglasses inside the building ATTENDANCE Students should strive to be in school all day, every day. Consistent FULL-DAY attendance supports students in achieving academic success, graduation, and development into productive members of society. Parents/guardians and students should review the Student Attendance Policy and Student Attendance Procedure to know the rules for excused and unexcused absences for everything from family vacations, college/employer visits, student illness, and the death of a family member. A note is due within 5 days of the student’s return to the building. Parents are allowed 5 excused absences a year with a parent note that doesn’t require doctor documentation. Please note that a Principal excusal for family trips can only be used to cover 3 absences, any additional days associated with the trip will be deducted from the 5 parent days if available. Students who have more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking term must complete an attendance intervention plan to avoid failing the marking term. An attendance intervention plan may involve the student staying after school for up to two hours a day, with parent/guardians responsible for providing transportation home. Student attendance is a FAMILY responsibility. The following steps will be taken when a child’s attendance is deemed excessive: ****eexxccuessseidveanadtteunndeaxncucesewdiallbismepnaccetsstudent’s academic progress • 1 day absent—automatic call • 2 days absent- automatic call; conference with student • 3 days absent- automatic call; letter sent home; HSL will contact parent/guardian • 4 days absent- automatic call; HSL will contact parent/guardians with home visit • h5odmayes. absent- automatic call; student is marked failing for marking term; home visit; intervention plan sent • 6 days absent- automatic call; PPW contacted; PPW referral • 8 days absent- automatic call; SST review and possible behavioral support plan • 10 days absent- automatic call; letter sent referring the matter to outside agencies though Truancy Reduction • 12 days absent-automatic call; HSL and PPW continue to work together; principal informed

3 ABSENCES FOR FAMILY TRIPS Pstluedaseenttsr'yletaornscinhgedpurloecefasms. ily trips during times when school is not in session. These absences interfere with the The County guideline for elementary students is as follows: While it is recognized that a trip cannot be considered a legal reason to be absent from school, it is felt that under the following circumstances, no punitive action should be taken. • The trip must be with the family or is parent sanctioned. • oCfirtchuemtrsitpantocetsheanfrdornetaosfofnicsesuhsoiunlgdtbhee fAupllpyrdoivsecdusAsbesdewncitehfothremP. rincipal in advance. Please provide written notice • AS tl ul da er rnat ns gaer me eexnpt se cf toerd ht oo mc oemwpo lrekt,e t ae lsl tms , aekt ec .-, usph wo uolrdk bwei twh ionr ka erde aosuotn wa bi tl eh l ienndgi tvhi douf at il mt eea, cwhhe ircsh awwi l le be ke di ne taedr mv ai nnceed. by the teacher. • The trip should have a definite educational value for the student involved. • Pthreinpcaipreanl’st’scarneqounelsyteinxcwusreiti3ngd.ays, any additional days will be deducted from approved parent note days at Teachers should not be asked to provide work missed BEFORE you go on the trip. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS tSoc ht wo ool hd oo ou rr ss al arteeur )n. l oFc koer dt hf oe rssatfuedt ye notfsytoouerncthe irl da ,t p8l:e4a5s ea . me n. seuarceh tshcahtotohledyadyo( onroitnacrar isveeopf rwi oera ttho e8r:-4r e5l aat. me d. d e l a y , o n e Students must remain in their vehicles until 8:45 A.M., no early arrivals will be let into the building. LATE ARRIVALS If your child arrives at school after 9:15 a.m., the doors will be locked. You and your child must report to the school office to receive a tardy slip before he/she goes to the classroom. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS CtoargRetidyeorudriscmhiilsds,apl lbeeagsiensdoatn3o:4t as buses arrive beginning at 3:45 PM. If you come before 3:15 p.m., the time they begin to get ready for dismissal in the classrooms. Anytime a child is picked up from the main office, the adult must present identification to ensure student safety. Beaver Run uses the Raptor System which scans your identification against a nation wide offender data base to ensure student safety. If you plan to pick your child up every afternoon, one note may be sent at the beginning of the school year. However, itfraonnspanorytadtaioynycohuacnhgaensgMeUthSTis bperosucebdmuirtete, dyoinu wmruitsitngsepnrdioarntoot3h:e0r0nPo.Mte. informing us of the changes. All request for Please help us by following these guidelines: • pCaarrkriidnetrhsewsiildl ebepadriskminigssleodt. when the 3:45 bell rings out of the car rider loop. If you enter the building, please The front bus loop is for buses only from 8:45 – 9:15 AM and 3:15 – 4:15 PM. Please adhere to the posted signs in the bus loop. • Students who are car riders every day will receive a car rider tag to attach to their book bag. Parents will receive a matching tag to display from their rear view mirror. These tags will be given to you upon filling or eumt tohvee rt ehqe uheasnt gf ot ra gy of ruorms tyuoduern ct atro’ sbwe ian ddsahi liye l cda ar rreiad. e rI .t Oi snicl lee gy aolut oh ahvaev ee xi ti teemd st hi ne tshceh owoi ln dd sr ihvi ee wl daayr, epal et ahsaet may block your view while driving on the roadways. • IWf yeocuanarceacllotmheinseg cfohrilydoruenr child for the occasional one day, you must come to the office and sign him/her out. between 3:00 P.M.. and 3:15 P.M. • Uwnilllersisdwe iethhaovmeea. note from you, or you are here before 3:00 P.M. to get your child, all children who ride a bus

4 • PLEASE DO NOT ASK US TO MAKE CHANGES REGARDING YOUR CHILD'S DISMISSAL BY TELEPHONE. Wthee cchainldnosthboeulsdunreottobewrheolemaswede are talking and the possibility of dismissing a child to someone with whom is too great. Please understand we will deny these requests. Beaver Run staff will not dismiss a student shuttling from East Salisbury. Parents must go to their child’s designated school and sign them out. Beaver Run personnel will only release students to parents who attend our school. In addition, please note that we will not accept verbal messages from students about dismissal changes. Your child's safety is much too important for us to use this procedure. EARLY DISMISSAL Ii nf da i cs at ut idnegnst umc hu sc th al enagvees smc hu os to bl ee awr lryi t, toern gboy ht ho empea dr ei fnf et raenndt l gy i vf reonmt owt hh ea tt ei sa cohne rt hi ne tsht ue dme no tr ’ns i nP gu. p Fi l oDr asteac uS rhiet ye tr, eaa snoont es pmhtoy nr ee@cwa lclbs o ec a. onrng o(t t ob ee n as uc creepyt eodu,r ar e qwurei tstte ni s rneocteei viesd rpelqeua isree dC c w: Phai crhr i sc aAnb t i pn ac lbutd@e wacnb o ee .mo ragi l a tnod MC ianldl oyr yB eTc ky reer ) or a fax (410-677-5188) by noon on the day of the desired change. LATE OPENINGS/EARLY CLOSINGS Ap rnenroeuc on rcde emdetnetlse pchoonncee rcna il nl i gn gasnyys t ce hma, nogne tsh ei nl otchael rraedgi uo laanr dstcehl eo vo il s isocnh es tdaut li eo nws , i lal nbdeo nmoaudre wt ehbr os iut eg :hwowuwr . wa uctboome a. ot regd. YE od uu cma tai yo na l os of f iccaelsl 4r 1e g0 a- 6r d7 i7n-g5 1t h0 e0sfeo rwae ar et hc oe rr dreedl amt eeds ssacghee. dPul leea sceh ad no gneos t. cAal ll l wt heea tshc eh ro odle, lraaydsi owsitl al tbi oe n9s 0, o mr ti hn eu tBeos a, rwdi tohf arrival starting at 10:15 and instruction to begin at 10:45. Breakfast will not be served. Automated Prerecorded Telephone Message System Ts chheo aoul taonmd at toe cdoannt adc pt rf aemr eicl ioersdwe dh et enl ec ph hi l od nr eenma er es saabgsee snyt .s tPe lme aisse ussheadr et owai tl ehrtthpeaor fefni ctes tohf eunpuc mo mb ei nr gt heavte snht so uwl di t hr ei nc eoi vu er mt o edsas taeg ee as .c Ph hmo on ne tnhu. Tmhbeesres amr eu st ht eb es aamc ceunr au tme bi ne rosr wd eer wt oi l lr et uc er ni v teo t ihf ey omuers cs ha igl ed. iPs l ienavsoe l vb ee ds ui nr ea ny oauc rc ipdhe on nt eo rn iunmj ubr ey rwi sh ui l pe in school therefore the numbers you give us must be accurate. Please notify us each time your home, cell or work numbers change! CLASSROOM VISITATIONS Wn eee di ntvoi tree op uo rr tf at omtihl iee ss ct oh oboel ao fpf iacret bo ef foourre l ve iasri nt iinngg ccloa ms s mr ouonmi tsy baentdwseue pn p9o: r1t5t ha e. mi r. satnudd e3n: 4t (5s p) .amt .BTehaev evri sRi tuonr . mA lul svti sbi et oorns tshtuedsetnutd(es)ntorincfloasrsmraotoimon. Tshheeeptuarnpdosweiollf tnheiesdretqoupersot visi:de proper identification BEFORE being allowed to visit the 1. When people enter classrooms, the instructional time is interrupted. U2 .n l eTs hs ei tr ei s aarbespoel uotpelley wn ehcoems siagrhyt, gwoet do oc lnaos ts ri no toemr rsufpotr lpe us sropnoss.e sA tghaai nt ,dwo en do to stuhpi spfoorrt tthhee ssaaffeettyy ooff aolul rc hc ihl di l rderne .n . PERSONAL DATA/EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORMS Ny eeawr . p eTrhs oi sn af ol rdma t ap/reomv iedregse nt chye i enmf oer mr gaetni oc yn fionrf omrsmwa ti il ol nb etsheant t ihs oems seewn tiitahl efaocrhscthuidl de natts .t h e b e g i n n i n g o f e a c h s c h o o l PLEASE COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION ON THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE FORM FOR EACH CHILD YOU HAVE IN OUR SCHOOL. For your child's health and safety it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency information, including parent's hf oormy eo uprh oc hniel dn ui f mh eb /e sr h, ceesl lhpohuol dn eb, ewi on rj ukrneudmo br ebresc, onma me ei l la antdsnc uh mo obl ewr ho ef nT Ww eO aorteh eurnpa ebrl es ot no sr we ahcoh wy oi l ul t. aPklee raes sepboen ss ui briel i tt oy ao sf ka nt hy ecshea pn eg oe ps lien iyf ot hu er yc ha irled 'ws ihl lei anlgt ht os taastsuusm. Ient ahdi sd ri tei sopno, ni f stihbei lri et yabr ee faonr ye ryeosut rui cs tei ot hn es irrengaamr dei sn. g cWu set oadl syo/ vniesei tda tt ioo kn nt oh wi s

5 ipnrfoovrimd ea tui os nwsi ht ho ua lcdoaplys oo fbaensyhlaergeadl wc uist ht otdhye psacpheorowl oofrfki cyeoaunmd ayyo uhra vc eh iflodr’ sytoeuarc hc he ri l df o. r t h e s a f e t y o f y o u r c h i l d . P l e a s e PROOF of RESIDENCY Ibtei sdtohnee r iens pt ho en sf iobriml i t yo fo fa atlal xp abri el l n, trse/ngt ua al rl edai as ne sotro uptri loi vt yi dbei ltlh. eI fs cyhoouo al rwei tnhe pwr ot oo f tohfe t hBeeiarvceurr Rr eunnt cr eo smi dme un nc yi t. y Tf rhoi ms mt ha ye pi nrde ivciaotui ns gy eyaoru or rc hu ar rveenmt op vheyds ioc va le ra dt hder es susmamn de rc yuor rueanrte mr eaqi lui ni rge da dt do rpersos v. i dTehteh es cshc ohoolo hl awsi tthh et hrei gphrto tpoe rr edqouceusmt eunptdaat it oe nd documentation at any time. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the office. HEALTH SERVICES Gc hoiol dd' shteeaal ct hh ehreol pf sa nt oy pehnys us ircea lycoounrdci thiiol dn' st hraetgmu liagrh ta tatfef encdtahnicse/ haenrdpgeor foodr mp earnfcoer.m a n c e a t s c h o o l . P l e a s e i n f o r m y o u r Beaver Run has a school-based nursing for all addressing general health care due to injury or illness. As well, we ae ps taurdt ne enrt es .dAwpi thhy sCi hc ieasnasp ea as skies tHa ne at lttoh at hd rdor ue sg sh iol lunre sssc haonodl gbeans ee rda hl eh ae lat lht hcceanrtee rt .h Iatt i as aD rf r. ’ es eOsf fei rcvei cwe ofuo lrd ApLrLo vBi ed ae v. eFro rR ua nn appointment please call (410)-677-5101. Do not send your child to school if he/she is running a temperature or feeling ill. Also, if an injury occurs away from ns coht eo so lp, eprl teaaisnei nhga tvoe ai tn t irnejautreyd abnedf oyroeusrecnhdi li dn ’gs yaobui lri tcyhtiol dptaor tsicchi poaotle. iPnl epahsyes ipcraol vaicdtei vtiht iee ss .c h o o l n u r s e w i t h a n y d o c t o r s ’ We have a school nurse and certified nursing assistant (CNA) at Beaver Run every day. The school health services icnhci ll ud dr eenv ri seifoenr raenddt oh etahrei nngu sr cs reebeyn itnega cf oh re rasl l oKr i np da reer ng at sr.t eInf ,aann adbsneoc romn da lgi trya di ne ec iht ihl de rr eonf , tchhei sl de raerne na se wi s tdoe ot eucrt ec od u, pn at yr eanntds are notified. In case of sudden illness or accidents at school, first aid is administered by the school nurse, CNA or other designated pp ea rr es onnt ss .c aPnanroetnbt se ar er ea cchael dl e adnwd heemne trhg ee nsci tyusaetri ov ni c er se qaur ei rreesqautitreendt,i owne bweiyl locnadl l t9h1e1 sfeorrvai cses si s tparnocvei d. e d b y t h e s c h o o l . I f MEDICATION mA lel dpirceastciornipftoiornms s igannedd ablyl andoonc-tporre. s Tc rhipistiionnc l umdeedsiccoa tuigohnsdrtohpa ts , acroeugghivseynrudpu,rainsgp isrci nh,oeotlc .h ou rs re qu i re a ph y s ic ia n’s An adult MUST bring all medication to school in the original container. Children are NOT to transport medications to ocornfrcoemrn srcehgoaordl.inCghtihldisrepnolaircey,aplsleoanseotctoontkaecetpthmeesdcihcoaotilonnuirnseth. eir possession during the school day. If you have any FREE/REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS Bi srne ea ek df aesdt taon dr elcueni vc he farreee porro rvei dd eudc eadt nmoe ca ol ss. t t Ao nAyNsYt us dt uednet netner no lrloeldl ecda ni nrtehcee iBveeamv eera Rl sunno mmaai nt t ec ra mw ph ua ts .t hNeof aa mp pi ll yi c a t i o n income is. BREAKFAST AT SCHOOL Maryland Meals For Achievement Program d t B h e r r e l o a a y u k e g f d a h s o t t p h is e e n s s i e t n r a g v t . e e dp irno gt hr ae mc l, aMs sar royolma nsdf rMo me a l8s: 4F5o ra . mA c. ht oi e v9 e: 1m5ean. mt . .Beraecahk fma sotr ni si nNgOt To As eLrLv setdu dwehnet ns at th ne roec oi ss ta t ot wpoa-rheonut sr LUNCH AT SCHOOL

6 AS t un du et rni tt si o inna lKliunndcehr gi sa rpt reenp tahr reoduagnhd 2sne dr vgerda di ne oaurre ceanf ec toeurri aa gt eode nt os upraer tt hi cai pt ay toeu ri nc ht hi led lwu ni l cl hh apvreo ga rda ami l ya sb aal apnacret domf oe ua lr. ebme ppuhracshisasoendp. roper nutrition. Milk is served with each platter or can be purchased separately. Ice cream may also Lunch is provided at no cost to ANY student enrolled in Beaver Run. No application is needed to receive free or reduced meals. CAFETERIA 1. Table manners must be used at all times. 2. Students who do not follow 3 B’s expectations may receive disciplinary measures. 3. Students must move throughout the cafeteria in an orderly fashion and cannot get up without permission. 4. Each class is responsible for the cleanliness of their area. 5. Bottled or canned carbonated drinks are not permitted. No glass is permitted. 6. Students are responsible for knowing their lunch account number each day HOMEWORK Hd ios mc reewt i oonr ko if st haen cel xatsesnr os ioomn toef awc hoerrk ainndt r omdauyc evda rby ya ct hr oe s cs l at hs ser goroamd et-el ea vc he le. rW. Hhoe mn eywo uorr kc hai sl ds i gdnome se hn at sv ea rae hl oe fmt eawt ot hr ke assignment, you can assist by doing the following:  Provide a quiet work space with all necessary supplies.  Set a time and routine for doing homework each night.  Check to see if assignments are completed in a neat and conscientious manner  Help when necessary but do not take over the assignment. Each night, students should read or be read to for 20 minutes. TUESDAY FOLDERS Each student will bring home their weekly assignment, notes written by their teachers, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all graded papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. ASSESSMENTS/TESTS Ready for Kindergarten (R4K) is Maryland’s Early Childhood Comprehensive Assessment System. It is Sd teuvdeel onpt smi ne nptrael lkyi nadpepr rgoapr trei ant we ial lnbde aa lsi sgensss ewdi tuhs i nt hget hSet aEtaer’ sl y rLi ge oa rr no ui nsg PArsesKe s- 1s m2 eCnotl l(eEgLeA )a na nd dCsat ruedeern- Rt seiandkyi nSdt ae nr gdaarrtde sn. wt oi lbl ebtet ears sme seseet dt hues i nn ge et dh se oKfi nt dh ee ri rg as rt ut edne nRtesa. d Pi naersesnAt ss soef s ss tmu de ne nt (t sK Ri nA k) . i nTdeearcghaerrt se nu swe itl hl er edcaetiav ef r oa mn Itnhdeisvei daus as el sSstmu deennt st Report (ISR), which gives information about their child’s skills, abilities, an development. Assessments in Math will be administered 3 times a year in grades 1st – 2nd and 2 times a year in K using the MAP GR reoa wd itnhe ps sl aSt ft oa nr md airnd os .r di Re re at od ymi es aas uc or emspt uu dt eern bt aascehdi epv reomg er anmt own ivt ha rbi ouui lst si nt a ansdsaersdssmi ne nt thseg iMv ea nr y3l atni md eCso lal eygeea ar ni nd gC raar de ee sr 1st-2nd grade and 2 times a year in Kindergarten. Parents are informed of the dates of these assessments through our r sc e h o s u a u r n l e t t d y s t w o e f i s t t t h h in e pg a a cr s a e s l n e e t s n s s d d m a u r e r n win t h s g i ac s n h tu d y d o m e u n a r t k c t e e h a i p l c d l h a w e n r s i l c l f o o b n r r f i a n e n r g e y h n o s c u m e p s e . p W a le t e m t h e e e n n c s t o t a a u l r r i t n a o s g f t e r e u y a o c c t u h i o t s o n c .h d o i R s o c e l u s y us e s l a t t s r h . o e T f e s t t a h a c e n h s d e e a r s r a d s ms s e e a e s n s t d m t o a e s d n s i t e s s s c s u w m s i s l e l t n h b t e e s w2 iatshs et esas cmheenr st s. aI nr ea ud sdei tdi oans teontthr ye cCroi tGeAr iTa af os sretshsemGernatdwe i3l l Mb ea ggni veetnPtroo gGrraamd e. 2 s t u d e n t s i n t h e s p r i n g . S o m e o f t h e G r a d e

7 REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS Pwri ot hg reeascshRcehpi ol dr tfso aurre t si me nets hpoemr ey ef oa ur .r tTi hmee fsi npaelr ryeepaorr itnc tahr ed mwiidl ldbl ee omf at hi l ee dMhaor kmi ne ga Tf tee rrmt h. eRleaps ot rstt uc adrednst adraey sienn Jtuhnoem. Ae request for a conference may be indicated on the report card by the teacher. You may request a parent/teacher conference at any time during the school year. You are asked to sign the report card envelope and return it to school. Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Checklists use the following letter designations: PR – Proficient IP – In Process ND – Needs Development NY – Not Yet WR – Written Report First and Second Grades Grade O, S, NI A, B, C, D, or E First Grade Special Areas RLaenagduinagg,eM, Sactiheenmcea,tSicosc,ial Studies, Media Second Grade Special Areas RLaenagduinagg,eM, Sapthelelminagt, iSccsi,ence, Social Studies, Media PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Treeqaucehsetros ratrheeeynmcoauyrcaognetdactot yroeuqubeysyt opuarrecnhtildco’snafegreenndcae, sa ansotthee need arises. They may do this with the report card , or a phone call. Parents should also request conferences with teachers. The best procedure for these requests is to send a note to your child's teacher(s) for an appointment. The teacher(s) will respond to your note with an appointment time. Questions and concerns should be discussed with the teacher(s) involved. If you feel further discussion is necessary, afircsotntfaelrkeendcwe withiththteheteparcihnecrip(sa)l.or assistant principal may be requested. This should be done, however, after you have Parent Conference Night (s) will be hosted a minimum of two times throughout the school year. **MWoenddnaeysd-Faeyb-rOucatroyb5er 18th, 2023 5p.m.-7 p.m. , 2024 5p.m.-7 p.m. SCHOOL BUS RULES 1. The bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. Students are expected to obey the bus driver. 2. If students have to cross the road when boarding or leaving the bus, they are to WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS. The driver can then warn students of danger. They are to look both ways before crossing the road. 3. Students are to enter and leave the bus by the front door. The back door is for emergency use only. Do not touch it, except in case of an emergency. 54.. SSttuuddeennttss aarree etoxpseitcftaecdintog pforrowmaprtdly, ktaekepeitnhge sheaantdass,sairgmnesdatnodthheemad. inside the bus window, and keeping feet, legs, books and belongings out of the aisle. 67 .. CS thuedwe inntgs ga ur emt oo rh ee al pt i tnhge odnr it vheer bkuese ips tnhoet bpuesr mc l ietat en d. . 98.. OSmrdoiknianrgy acnodnvperrosfaatnioenlains gpueargmeiswsiilbl lneo. t be tolerated on th e bus. 10. Consequences imposed by the driver range from one to 30 days off of the school bus. Repeated offenses may result in suspension for the remainder of the school year.

8 SAFETY HINTS FOR SCHOOL BUS RIDERS S1t.udAenrrtisvsehaotutlhde: bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive. 32 .. CWraoistsi nt hae lri no ae da wt oagyeftrtoomotrrfarfof imc ut hnet i lbtuhse, bbeu ss ucroemyeosut oc aancsoeme pyloeut er ds troi vpe. r' s f a c e . I f y o u c a n' t s e e y o u r d ri v e r' s f a c e , your driver can't see you. 54 .. SWpaeiat ku nqtuiileatlllyt raanfdf i cbhe ha sa vset oipnpaend oi nr dbeortlhy dmi raencnt ieornos nb et hf oer eb uc sr ossos iynogutrh ed rriovaedr . c a n p a y a t t e n t i o n t o d r i v i n g t h e b u s safely. 8 7 6. . . P S K t i e a c e k y p i u n h p e y d a o d r u o , r p h s p a e n e a d d t s o u a b n n j t e i d l c t a t h s r em w b s h u e in s n s h g i a d e s e t t c ti o h n m e g b e o u n to s t . h aecobmusp, lteetlel driver. Wait until the bus driver says that it is safe to pick it up. Remember, books and papers can be replaced----you cannot. 190. . ABelwfoaryesggeottsintrgaiogfhf tthheombuesw, bheesnuyreoualglebteoloffntghiengbsuasr. e in your book bag so you don't drop anything. Prepared by the MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COUNTY SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY Sr itduidnegntthsewbhuos ff oa irl at op ea rbi iodde obf yo tnhee dbauys. rTuhl ee sp wr i ni l cl ibpea ldai sncdi palsi ns iesdt a. nBt upsr idnrci ivpearlsmh aa yv es ut hs pe erni gdhstt ut od es un st sp ef onrda ad ds ti tui do en na tl df raoyms . Parents will be notified of suspensions before they go into effect. The School Bus Discipline Policy is as follows: 1st Offense Referral to the principal's office. Discipline at the discretion of principal/designee 2nd Offense Referral to the principal's office. Discipline at the discretion of principal/designee 3rd Offense Rs teufde er rnat l (t oa nt dh edTr ri va enrs pi of rdt ae teimo ne dO f nf iec cee. sCsoanrfye)r. e nTc he ewsi tthu dt he en tS uwpi el lr vbies orreomf oTvrea dn s fproormt a ttihoen , bpuasr eunnt tai ln da smaat idsef aacst ot or yhcoown fleornegn tcheei ss thuedl de n. tAwt ti hl l irsecmo na if ne roefnf ct eh ea bduesc.i s i o n w i l l b e 4th Offense Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense Automatic removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year. CELL PHONES Wh aCv Be Op Eh opnoel isc ay tpsrcohhoiobli tfso rc eslal fpe ht yo nr eeas sionnssc, ht ho eo yl s ma tutsht eb ee l ke me pet notfaf raynlde vi ne l b. Ao ol tkhboauggsh. Iwf et hkenyoawr et hv ai sti bs tl ue doer natrsemhae ya r d during the day, they will be confiscated by the teacher and stored in the office until a parent can retrieve them FAMILY PORTAL PI nafroernmt sa tai or en iennccl uo ud irna gg el od g ti no aunt di l i pz ea s tshwe o Fr da mp ri loyc ePdour rt ae ls owni ll il nbee spyrsotve imd e dt o t ompoanri et on rt s sot uf ds teundt se ’n tgsr ai nd et hs easne dg raat dt eens daat ntchee. start of the school year. Again, this year, all midterms and report cards will be available on Family Portal. FIELD DAY Oa rneea sd apyr ai nc t ti cheeds apnr idn dg e( vJ ue nl oep) ei sd si ne tt ahsei dpeh yf os ri caa lpehdyus ci caat li oanc tpi vr iot gy rda amy.. AE lvl ecnhtisl dsrcehne dp ua rl et idc idpuart ien. gT thhei sp dh ay ys i rc ea fl l ee dc tu sc ka itlilo n pd ae rptai cr ti pmaet ne tuhnal es stsh tehreersepios nas ci bl ei lai tryr oe af spol annfno irntgh ae nmd ncoototrod ipnaarttiinc gi ptahtee , awc thi vi ci thi ems uosf tt hb ies sdhaayr. eWd ewai tshk tthhea tp ar il nl cc hi pi ladl .r e n

9 FIELD TRIPS A single class, grade level, or combination of classes frequently takes field trips. They are not, however, a requirement. Fo bi ej ledc tt irvi pe ss taar ue gt ha kt ep nr i ao tr tthoet dh ies tcrriept iaonndoaf pt hp er ot pe ar icaht ee res xat te en as ci ohng ar ac tdi ev iltei ev se lc aonndd umcut es dt baef t ceur rtrhi ec ut lrui pm. oWr iheennt et dr i pwsi tahr es pt ae kc ief ni c, istt ui sd emnot ss twi mh opdo or tna on tt at ht taetn adl. l Imf tehmi sbcerresa toef st ah ef i nc al anscsi aalt pt erno db .l e Omt hf oerr wa fi as em, isl ye ,vpe lreaal slee scsaol lntsh ewsi lcl hhoaovl ep rni on cmi peaal noirn ag s fsoi sr t tahnet principal to discuss possible arrangements for assistance. Such calls will be kept confidential. Money for field trips is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the cost of buses and the cost of any awdemaiststaensscethfeeeasb.soItluisteimmpinoismsiubmle ttoo preafyufnodr mthoeneexyppenaisdesfolirsttreidpsabifo, vfoer. any reason, a person cannot participate, since Once a teacher decides to take the class on a field trip, teachers will provide written notice to parents of all details concerning the trip. Questions about trips should be directed to the child's homeroom teacher. SCHOOL PICTURES pP ri cetourrdees r o/ fp ri ne dp iavyi dbuaas li ss. t uEdv ee nr yt se af froer tt ahkaesnb iene nt hme aFdael l t aoss we l ee lclt at sh ei nmtohset Sr er pa isnogn aabnldy mp rai cdeedapviacitlua rbel es et or vai cl le poaf rf ee rnet ds ; oann da Se pv er irnygt hPi ni cgt ufreea sDi ba yl eahnads abreeeanl sdoomn ea dteo asveaei ltahbalte qt ou aplai trye ns tesr voinc ea ipsr epor or dv ei dre/dp.r eCpl aasys bpaiscitsu. r e s a r e o n l y t a k e n d u r i n g o u r FIRE/SAFETY DRILLS Fo ri r ae nDar ni l nl sowu ni l cl ebme ec on nt dr eugcat er dd i onng aa rceogduel,apr l be aa ss ies ftohl rl oowg otuhtet hi nes st rc uh cotoi ol ny es agri.v Iefny toou yaorue ibny tshcehsocohl opoel rws ohnenneal . f iDr er i bl l es l ol rf itnhgi ss nature are practiced with the children and staff in order to ensure their safety and well being. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS/ STORE BOUGHT FOOD As cLhLo fool o. dP lme ausset ub en ds et or rs et abnodutghhi st ai sn ad si na cf el ut yd emneua tsrui trieo fno lra cbhe il lsdor en nt hwei tpha cs ke va eg re e. Nf ooo dh oaml l eermg iaedseafnodo da l ml i an yg rbeeddi ei snttrsi bmuut es td baet children. Please contact the classroom teacher prior to sending in celebration items LOST and FOUND Ls mo satl li tteomhsa na gr e. Td hi sepslea ys emda il nl i tt ehme sc aafreet ekrei pa tdi ani ltyh, eesxcche opot lf oo rf f ijceew. eAl rt yt,hwe aetncdh eosf , eeaycehg ml a sasreksi nagnpdeor ti oh de ,r ciltoetmh isn tghtaht aat ries nt ooot claimed will be donated to a charity.