Chipman Student Handbook 2024-2025

Page | 4 front of the school. Parents are asked to wait for the students outside the main gym door. Students will only be released to those who are listed on the walker’s registration form. If a student must leave school early or go home differently from the way they arrived at school, a note indicating such changes must be written and signed by the parent and given to the teacher in the morning. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted; a written note is required which can be emailed to and or faxed to (410-6775882) by 1:00 PM on the day of the desired change. Please include in the note the name of the scholar and the person, if different from the parent(s)/guardian(s), who will be picking up your scholar. PARENT COMMUNICATION We strongly believe that good communication between home and school is crucial for your child’s success. We have several ways to keep you informed: ● RECORDED TELEPHONE/EMAIL MESSAGES FROM ADMINISTRATION-Occasionally, the administration will send out a pre recorded telephone/email message. This message will be sent automatically to your primary phone and email. Please make sure we have your correct phone number and email address on file in the office. Please help us by listening to the whole message as there may be no one in the office to respond immediately to your inquiry if you use the call-back feature of your phone. ● TUESDAY FOLDER-Each student will bring home their weekly assignment, notes written by their teachers, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed in their Tuesday Folder. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all graded papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. ● CLASS DOJO-DOJO Messages make it easy for families to communicate with teachers and staff anytime, anywhere—and are automatically translated into more than 35 languages. It also helps teachers and families collaborate to support social-emotional learning with Points and Big Ideas—and gives kids a voice of their own with portfolios. ● SCHOOL NEWSLETTER-All students will receive the school newsletter the last Tuesday of each month. In it, you will find articles about things going on at Chipman Elementary as well as important upcoming dates. Please take the time to read the newsletter to keep up to date on the latest happenings. ● FACEBOOK-Please look for us on Facebook! School celebrations with pictures are frequently published.