Page | 5 PARENT-TEACHER COMMUNICATION The relationship between parents and teachers is important to each child's success. Maintaining a positive, open line of communication is essential to facilitating common expectations between home and school. All teachers have been encouraged to contact parents frequently by phone, Class DoJo, and/or email. At the beginning of the school year, please share with your child's teacher the most efficient way to contact you. Please feel free to contact the classroom teacher to address any concerns that you may have regarding your child's success in school. Remember that even though you and your child's teacher may not always agree, both parties are committed to your child's success. CLASSROOM VISITATION We have an open-door policy and encourage parents to visit your child’s classroom. Visitors must report directly to the school office to obtain a visitor’s pass. A state-issued driver’s license or identification card must be used to check into the Passage Point System to gain access to the school. You are required to wear the visitor’s pass throughout the duration of your visit. To maintain an uninterrupted instructional environment, kindly note that siblings and non-school aged children that are not enrolled at Chipman Elementary will not be permitted in the instructional areas. We request that you refrain from talking on your cell phone during your visit. NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH/BREAKFAST PROGRAM All students that attend Chipman Elementary receive free breakfast and lunch. Students will only need money if they desire to purchase ice cream. Scholars are required to eat their lunch before purchasing ice cream. FIRE & CRISIS DRILLS To ensure that our students are aware of the procedures in case of an emergency, practice fire and safety drills are conducted the first week of school and at any other time deemed necessary. If you are in the school when a fire bell rings or an announcement regarding a code is made, please follow the instructions given to you by school personnel. Drills of this nature are practiced with the children and staff in order to ensure their safety and well-being. DISCIPLINE Each staff member at Charles H. Chipman Elementary School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. A student’s behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, administration, and teachers.