Our secretarial staff receives numerous requests from parents each day that involve various requests. In an effort to minimize interruptions to the school day and classroom instruction, we are asking that parents limit the number of times they call the school to leave messages or come to school to drop off items to their student. If your child has called and asked you to drop something off, please leave the item in the main office. Please make sure that your child's name is on the item. For your convenience in direct dialing, please keep this number in a handy spot: Choices Academy Main Office 410-677-5220 REPORT CARD / MID-TERM REPORT DISTRIBUTION Students and families of Choices’ students are able to access student progress reports and report cards on the Family Portal. Progress reports and report cards will be also mailed out at the appropriate times of the year. ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Any student who arrives to school after the 7:45 am bell, or who needs to leave school after arriving, must sign the "Sign In/Sign Out Form" in the main office. Students who are dismissed early are only allowed to leave school premises with a Family Portal listed contact. Those not listed are not permitted to pick up a student. A student should never, under any circumstances, leave school during school hours without first obtaining permission from a parent/guardian. Students leaving school without proper permission are subject to disciplinary action. Absence Notes - A note is required for an excused absence. Such notes would include doctors' notes, notices of court summons or a copy of an obituary from a death in the family. Notes should be submitted within 5 days after returning to school from the absence. Notes from parents may be submitted for other absences and will be filed in the student’s file. Please note, no more than 5 excuse notes will be allowed per term. Request for Make-up Work - Makeup assignments to be sent home may be requested when a student has an extended absence by calling the school and giving 24-hour notice of the request. The request should be made by the student or guardian. Work will only be given on a weekly basis. A timeline will be determined for work submission between the student and teacher. Lunch - A student may bring a packed lunch or get lunch in the cafeteria. If a student chooses to bring in a packed lunch, it must be left in the main office until their lunch shift. Students may not leave campus for lunch nor may they order lunch and have it delivered. All food and drinks are to be eaten in the cafeteria or designated areas as food is not permitted in other parts of the building. School Functions - Students and guests at school functions must observe expected school behavior. The code of conduct does apply to all extra-curricular/co-curricular events at Choices Academy and other schools/functions. Any person appearing to have consumed alcohol and/or drugs prior to entrance to any extracurricular event will be refused admission. Persons leaving the building during an event may not return. At the end of each event, all persons are to leave promptly. Conduct at all extracurricular activities should reflect courtesy and respect for others and bring honor and credit to our school and ourselves. Please note this is only for volunteer students and Risers. All other students are not permitted to attend extra-curricular activities. HOW TO GET HELP WITH A PROBLEM