Choices Academy Student Handbook 2024-2025

LEVEL 1 Students on Level 1 must earn 200 points to progress to Level 2 Student is expected to follow all established rules/procedures of the program (1 point each, 4 per class): • Follow school behavior expectations (no disruption/disrespect/profanity, transitions) (1 point) • Follow classroom rules and directions (teacher and IA directives, seating chart, etc.) (1 point) • Engage in instruction and complete assignments, per teacher directions (1 point) • Use electronics appropriately (cell phone, laptop, earbuds, tablet) (1 point) • Students at Level 1 may not participate in field trips, special activities, or extracurricular incentives. LEVEL 2 Students on Level 2 must earn an additional 200 points (400 total points) to progress to Level 3 Student must continue to follow program expectations from Level 1: • Students will engage with case manager to achieve therapeutic goals. • Students will engage with teachers to access interventions/extra help to improve grades. • Students will participate in designated therapeutic activities (groups, guest speakers). • Students at Level 2 may participate in field trips and special activities with 80% of their possible program points. They may not participate in extra-curricular incentives. LEVEL 3 Students on Level 3 must maintain 70% total possible points Student must continue to follow program expectations from Levels 1 and 2: • Students will continue to engage with case managers and teachers to meet expectations (see below) to transition back to home school. • Students falling below 70% of possible program points will lose level 1 and 2 privileges • Students at Level 3 may participate in field trips, special activities, and extracurricular incentives with 80% of their possible program points. ** Students who receive an out-of-school suspension will forfeit 100 points per day out. ** Volunteers who fall below 75% will have a conference, with parent contact, and have two weeks to bring their percentage back to 75%, or they will return to their home school. Program Expectations o Maintain/improve grades from home school o Minimal or zero conduct history (no Level 4 or 5 infractions) o Attendance - No more than 5 unexcused – can be recovered with AIP o Demonstration of appropriate behavior (teacher report - 70% minimum or 20% increase over time) o Choices and home school principal can agree to alter expectations for individual students with special circumstances. RESPONSIBILITIES Teachers are responsible for clearly communicating to students their expectations for the ethical completion of assignments, projects, and assessments. When a student has violated the Code of Conduct and Academic