Choices Academy Student Handbook 2024-2025

Integrity, the teacher will refer the student to the appropriate administrator. Failure to do so may be noted in the teacher's administrative review. Students are responsible for monitoring their own behavior and conducting themselves in a manner that reflects the spirit of the code of conduct. To that end, the following practices are suggested: • Ask teachers to specify if work is to be done cooperatively or independently. • Use a cover sheet during assessments. • Put all materials, including calculators and cell phones, out of sight during assessments (unless authorized by the teacher). • Follow sound research methods by taking careful notes, paraphrasing or quoting, and properly documenting any idea that is not your own. SERVICE LEARNING AND PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS FOR WICOMICO COUNTY Students must meet the Student Service Requirement. This requirement prescribes that students shall complete one of the following: (1) a state-approved, locally designed program in student service; or, (2) seventy-five (75) hours of service that includes preparation, action and reflection components. Promotion Requirements - In order to pass to the next higher grade, a student must have earned the following minimum credits: 9th to 10th - 4 credits 10th to 11th - 9 credits 11th to 12th - 14 credits ANY STUDENT EXPERIENCING ANY DIFFICULTY IS ENCOURAGED TO SEEK ASSISTANCE. Daily Announcements - Each day begins with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by school related announcements which have received prior approval. Quiet is expected during the announcement period. Conflict Resolution/Human Relations - The Student Advisor facilitates the resolution of conflicts and the development of Human Relations skills. Students may be referred to these programs but are also actively encouraged to contact these staff members whenever they can be of assistance. Guidance Counseling – Choices Academy has one guidance counselor who can provide many services and information. The student and the parents should use the resources available through the guidance office. Services include: academic planning, career planning, career counseling and referral, testing for armed services, college, school and State of Maryland, and information regarding the Academic Assistance Program. Health Services - Students becoming ill during the school day should obtain permission to report to the school nurse. Students who must take medications during the school day must adhere to procedures outlined in the Wicomico County Policy for Administration of Medication. Lost and Found - The Lost and Found area is in the main office. The school is not responsible for lost items. Mentoring Project - The Wicomico Mentoring Project involves members of the business, agency, and civic communities in nurturing relationships with our students to provide social, emotional and/or academic encouragement. SCHEDULE FOR A 90 MINUTE DELAY