DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 11 AT HOME 1. Treat infested persons. Check all members of the family. 2. Wash clothing (including coats, hats and scarves), bed linens and towels in hot water. 3. Thoroughly vacuum the house. 4. Thoroughly soak all combs and brushes in a Lysol solution for 1 hour or in very hot water for 5-10 minutes. 5. Place any belongings, such as stuffed animals or dolls that can't be washed or dry-cleaned in a sealed plastic bag for 10 days. HOMEWORK A good homework assignment is one that makes use of the creative potential of the student. It should vary from one grade level to the next in the amount of time required. To be meaningful, the assignment must be consistent with the attention span of the learner. A guide used by our county is 15 minutes for first and second graders and 30 minutes for grades 2-4. Homework is an extension of work introduced by the classroom teacher. When your child does have a homework assignment, you can assist by doing the following:  Provide a quiet work space with all necessary supplies.  Set a time and routine for doing homework each night.  Check to see if assignments are completed in a neat and conscientious manner  Help when necessary but do not take over the assignment. HOMEWORK FOR ABSENCES For absences of one day we ask you to let your children get the assignments they miss upon returning to school the following day. When children are absent more than one day, we will try to get the assignments upon request. Please remember that for most of the day teachers are involved with the direct instruction of students and cannot stop to prepare work. We ask that you make your request for homework before lunch so that teachers have time to get it together for you to pick up at the school office between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Also, if you wish to have another student bring the work home for your child, it will be necessary for you to make those arrangements with that child and his/her family. HONOR DAYS This recognition event will occur immediately following the end of each term. Invitations will be issued to the families of students receiving awards. Students will be recognized for their academic achievements, outstanding attendance, character, and reading incentive participation. IMMUNIZATION/PHYSICAL REQUIRED The following immunizations are required for all public school students in the Maryland: Prekindergarten 1 Measles/Rubella/Mumps (MMR)