DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 12 1 Hib 3 Polio (OPV) 4 DPT 3 Hepatitis B 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) Grades K - 4 4 DPT/Dt 3 Polio (OPV) 2 Measles/Rubella/Mumps (MMR) 3 Hepatitis B (not required for 2nd grade) 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) (grade K) 1 Varicella (Chickenpox) grade 1-4) Maryland State Board of Education mandates that a physical be done on all new students within six months of the date of enrollment. A new law in Maryland (House Bill 1221) requires that parents/guardians of children enrolling in prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade, beginning in Sept. 2003, are required to provide the school with copy of the blood lead testing report at the time of enrollment. INCLEMENT WEATHER AND RECESS On days when weather conditions will not permit playground activities, teachers will provide appropriate classroom activities during their scheduled recess. A sign will be posted near the cafeteria determining if it is going to be an indoor or outdoor recess day. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM (ILT) This committee is composed of representatives from each grade level, resource, special area, instructional assistants, principal, assistant principal(s) and one or two parents. Meetings are held four times a year. Agendas of meetings are shared with all school personnel before the meetings occur. Minutes of meetings are shared with all school personnel after the meetings are held. During these meetings, members review data from formal and informal assessments. They also refine and develop new goals for the future which are identified in the school Action Plan. JANUARY REVIEW Upon our return from our holiday break, the expectation is that ALL classroom teachers will take time to revisit the following items with our learners: • PBIS Routines and School Norms • School-wide Rules and Expectations • Attendance Expectations and Incentive • Reading Incentive(s) We also encourage our parents to revisit these topics with their children at home.