DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 13 KEEPING TRACK OF STUDENT PROGRESS Parents are encouraged to use the Family Portal site available for students in grades 1-4. This site will allow parents to access students’ assignments and grades daily. Parents may also visit the county website,, and/or our school website, for staff email addresses, upcoming events, etc. KINDERGARTEN/PRE-K PROGRESS REPORTS Kindergarten and Pre-K progress reports will reflect students’ progress in multiple categories using the following levels of proficiency: P ~ Proficient, IP ~ In Process, NY ~ Not Yet (not yet taught during the school year), and ND ~ Needs Development. These levels indicate the level to which the student has acquired the grade level skills. LOST AND FOUND Lost items are displayed in the cafeteria daily, except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other items that are too small to hang. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each marking period, clothing that is not claimed will be donated to a charity. Please remind your child to look in the cafeteria for his/her belongings when they are missing. LUNCH AT SCHOOL A nutritional lunch is prepared and served in our cafeteria to ensure that your child will have a daily balanced meal. Ice cream and snacks will be sold this year. A lunch menu will be sent home each month. LUNCH MONEY School lunches are free again this year. If you have a remaining balance owed from previous years, you may still pay electronically to bring your account up to date. This can be accessed through the county website, LUNCH NUMBERS Every student will receive an identification number to be used when purchasing lunch or breakfast. Please make sure that these numbers are practiced and memorized by children. This will really help with the speed and flow of students moving through the lines.