DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 14 LUNCH UTENSILS Students packing lunches are asked to bring their own condiments, utensils, napkins, etc. as funds budgeted for utensils and condiments are aligned directly with food purchases. MEDICATION All prescriptions and all non-prescription medications that are given during school hours require a physician’s medication form signed by a doctor. This includes cough drops, cough syrup, Tylenol, topical creams, etc. All medicine must be brought to school by an adult in the original medicine container and turned in to the school nurse. Students are not permitted to bring medicines to and from school at any time. Students are also not permitted to keep medicines in their possession during the school day. Please follow the school schedule 7:45-3:15 when bringing medications to the nurse for your child. MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS It is important that we communicate student progress with all our parents. Midterms will be available of Family Portal on the dates assigned by the county. Midterm grades will be issued in percentages. In addition, behavior and work/study habits are reported on an individual basis. NEWSLETTER ~ BOBCAT BULLETIN On the first day each month, the BOBCAT BULLETIN will be uploaded to our school website and Facebook pages. Please review this information to be aware of important news and upcoming events. In addition to the newsletter you will find a calendar attached that shares all monthly activities. NO SMOKING POLICY ON SCHOOL PROPERTY The sale or use of tobacco in any form is prohibited in all buildings, parking areas, and all outside seating areas owned or leased by the Board of Education of Wicomico County at all times (24 hours a day, every day), regardless of whether or not students are present. Anyone violating this policy may be barred from school property and, if necessary, reported to the appropriate authorities. Organizations using the school facility which do not enforce this tobacco-free policy may be subject to revocation of their opportunity to use school buildings.