DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 18 10. Chewing gum is not allowed. 11. Hats are not to be worn in school buildings. 12. Baseballs, basketballs, footballs, bats and Frisbees are not to be brought to school. 13. Weapons and/or dangerous objects may not be brought to school UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 14. Toys and games may not be brought to school unless the teacher sends a request IN WRITING to parents. *Please refer to the Wicomico County Public School’s Code of Conduct for additional information. ( SCHOOL SECURITY Safety and security of our students is our utmost priority. We have a secure campus with fencing, locked gates, video surveillance, and secured entry doors. We take your child’s safety very seriously. While we hope they are never necessary, our school has comprehensive procedures for handling emergencies. Our staff will question visitors if a visitor badge is not visible and direct you to the office where we may serve you. This is done for the safety and security of all students, so we do appreciate your understanding. All visitors entering our building must first report to the office and anyone desiring access to a student’s classroom must present a current driver’s license and register under the Raptor system in our school office. SIX DAY CYCLE Wicomico County operates on a six-day schedule rotation. Therefore, the first day of school will be on an A day. The last letter day of the rotation will be an F day. Your child’s teacher will send information home during the first week of school to let you know what days your child will have special classes such as PE and Art. This will allow you to dress them appropriately. TELEPHONE USE BY STUDENTS We strongly discourage the use of the telephone by students. Being able to easily call for items forgotten does not train children to be responsible students. Please remember this as you follow this guideline. However, on occasion we do understand the need for a child to speak with a parent. It will be up to the discretion of the teacher to make this determination whether a call is needed.