DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 3 ABSENCE FOR FAMILY TRIPS Please try to schedule trips during times when school is not in session. These absences interfere with the students’ learning process and hurt the school in our attempt to achieve our required attendance percentage for the school and state. The county guideline for elementary students is as follows: While it is necessary that a trip cannot be considered a legal reason to be absent from school, it is felt that under the following circumstances, no punitive actions would be taken.  Parents must submit the “Parent Request for Non-Emergency Absence” form available in the school office to the principal well in advance of the trip designating the purpose and length of the absence.  The trip must be with the family or is parent sanctioned.  Circumstances and reasons should be fully explained to the principal prior to the designated trip date.  All arrangements for homework, tests, quizzes, etc. should be worked out with the individual teacher a week in advance. Students are expected to complete all make-up work within a reasonable length of time, which will be determined by the teacher.  The trip should have an apparent and defined educational value for the student. AGENDAS • All students in grades K-4 will receive student agendas. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain the agenda. This is an excellent communication tool between school and home. Students that either lose or damage their agenda must replace the agenda for a replacement cost. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS School doors are opened for students to enter at 7:45 a.m. each day. For the safety of your child, please see that he/she does not arrive before that time. There is no supervision before 7:30 a.m. and problems often occur when children must wait unattended. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS ~ LATE If a child must arrive at school after 8:15 a.m. he/she must report to the school office with the adult bringing them to school to receive a tardy slip before he/she goes to the classroom. The adult must sign the student in as this is part of the state attendance record. Keep in mind that when students arrive after 8:15 they are missing valuable instruction.