DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 4 ASSEMBLIES ~ EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to follow the following expectations during all assemblies. • A quiet and orderly arrival and departure are required. • Remain silent during the presentations unless the presentation requires audience participation. • Keep hands and feet still and chairs quiet. • Applaud at appropriate times • There will be no booing, yelling, etc. under any circumstances. These are rude responses and are not indicative of DES students. ASSESSMENTS/EXPECTATIONS Over the course of the year, students will take a variety of formative and summative assessments that will allow us to determine their strengths and areas for growth and plan our instruction accordingly. This year, students will participate in the following assessments over the course of the school year. English Language Proficiency Test (MCAP ELP – ACCESS) – Assesses English language proficiency for students who do not speak English or have limited English proficiency. I-Ready ~ is replacing Scholastic Reading Inventory. It too is an on-line reading assessment which gives a lexile score. MAP Growth – Ongoing online formative math assessments administered to grades K-12. CogAT ~ is replacing In-View. It is a cognitive abilities test intended to estimate students’ reasoning and problemsolving abilities through a battery of verbal quantitative and non-verbal test items. The MCAP Assessment [Grades 3 & 4] ~ Is an online test of reading and math achievement. This test provides educators, parents, and the public valuable information about our students, our instruction, and our school. This assessment is administered during April and May, to all third and fourth grade students. Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) ~ An assessment of kindergarten readiness and progressive achievement of kindergarten standards at benchmark points during the school year. ATTENDANCE Coming to school every day is very important. Our goal is to have 100% participation of students attending school every day. We realize there are times when a student may be ill, making attendance impossible but we are asking you to help us reach this goal by scheduling trips, appointments, etc. at times when school is not in session. This will allow your son/daughter to come to school every day unless they are ill. The following steps will be taken when a child’s attendance is deemed excessive: **excused and unexcused absences **excessive attendance will impact student’s academic progress • 4 days absent—letter will be sent home detailing attendance policy • 6 days absent—2nd letter will be sent home detailing attendance policy • 8 days absent—A home visit will be conducted by our Home/School Liaison. • 10 days absent—a conference must be held with the parent, home/school liaison and/or administration to complete an attendance contract. Doctors notes will be required for future absences. • 12 days absent—family will be referred to Pupil Services for pre-truancy court conference.