DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 5 • 15 days absent—family will be referred to Truancy Reduction Program (truancy court) in Maryland or Delaware. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS/DONATE A BOOK Instead of sending treats to school to celebrate their children's birthdays, please consider donating a book to our school library. A name plate will be placed inside the front cover of the book that is donated, giving the child's name, birth date and reason for the donation. A treat is eaten and soon forgotten, but a book will live on for many years in the honor of the child. Many students have special diets that do not include sweets and many parents do not wish their children to eat sweets. Please note that if you choose to bring in treats, the treats must be store bought & individually wrapped and packaged. No trays of cupcakes, please! In addition, all treats will be distributed at lunch only and must be brought in prior to the scheduled lunch time. No treats will be distributed in the classroom. BREAKFAST GUIDELINES Breakfast is free for all students again this year and will be available for students to pick up on the way to their classroom. A breakfast menu and prices are sent home each month. Students arriving after 8:05 will not receive breakfast. BUS NOTES Students who come to school by bus must return home the same way they came, unless they have notes verifying they are to go home in a different way. These notes should be shown to the bus drivers and given to the children's teachers. Teachers will send these notes to the office in the morning. We do not accept verbal messages from students regarding changes in their dismissal. Parents are not to call the office with over-the-phone requests to change a student’s dismissal procedure. Do not send emails making such requests as our office staff may or may not have an opportunity to check this information prior to dismissal procedures. Please help us keep your child safe at dismissal by communicating your requests in writing and in advance of the needed dismissal. BUS RULES/BUS SAFETY Students under the age of 8 years old, who ride the bus home from school must be met at the bus by an adult or they will not be dropped off. The driver will call the school over the radio and the school will try to contact the parent to make arrangements at that point. If no contact is made, the driver will return the student to school to await pick up from parent. Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. Administration may suspend students for additional days. Parents are to be notified of suspensions before they go into effect.