DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 6 CAFETERIA 1. Table manners must be used at all times. 2. Quiet conversations are permissible until the last 5 minutes of each shift. 3. Students who do not follow PAWS expectations may receive disciplinary measures. 4. Students must move throughout the cafeteria in an orderly fashion and cannot get up without permission. 5. Each class is responsible for the cleanliness of their area. 6. Bottled or canned carbonated drinks are not permitted. No glass is permitted. 7. Students are responsible for knowing their lunch account number each day. CAR RIDER PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF For the safety of all students, those dropping off or picking up students must do so in the car rider loop, which is in the large parking lot off Foskey Lane. Students must enter and exit the cars on the curb side for safety. Students may not be dropped off at the school entrance on South Second Street. Only students who are being escorted by a parent or who are walkers may enter through the main doors in the morning. The parking along South Second Street is reserved for those with handicap tags and those who are walking their children into the building. Please note that the far side of the street on South Second Street is a “No Parking Zone” during school opening and dismissal times. Do not drop students off in front of the school, on the opposite side of the road or anywhere along South Second Street. To expedite our car rider dismissal and maintain safety, we have a car tag system for students who will be car riders each day. The procedures are listed below. o Parents must complete a CAR RIDER INFORMATION FORM and return it to the school by opening day so that your child will be able to be picked up in the car rider circle on the first day of school. The office is open between 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. daily for your convenience. The form may also be brought to the office during the summer or at the registration table at open house. o All car riders in your family must be included on the same form so they are assigned the same ID number. o Each parent/guardian may receive up to 2 color-coded rearview mirror car tags at no cost for their family and each student will be given one backpack tag. Each tag will have a matching ID number to identify your child/family. o Parents/guardians wishing to purchase additional tags for other family/friends may do so at an additional cost per tag. Parents must also list these individuals on the WCBOE Emergency Data Form. Daily Procedures: o Upon entering the car rider area each day, the car tag must be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle. Students must keep their backpack tag attached in a visible location. o As cars approach the student pick-up area, a staff member will alert the student(s) by calling his/her tag number and children will be escorted by an adult to your car. Parents are asked to remain in their cars and not signal for their child to come to them so that the flow of traffic can continue.