DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 8 CODE OF CONDUCT The Wicomico County School System uses the Code of Conduct, a policy for handling inappropriate and unacceptable behavior in school and at school-sponsored activities. Each family receives a copy of this Code to read and reference throughout the year. It is the guide of consequences used when inappropriate behaviors occur. We ask parents to support this Code, thus increasing its effectiveness at school. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Preparations for dismissal begin at 2:40 p.m. Dismissal begins at 2:45 p.m. Walkers and car riders, Pre-K/K and 1st grade students are dismissed at 2:40 p.m. Second through fourth graders are dismissed at 2:45 when the bell rings. Second wave students are called next and escorted to buses. Third wave bus students will leave with their class and report to the art room. Parents who wish to sign their child out at the end of the day are asked not to come before 2:35 p.m. If a child must go home a different way to the way he/she came to school, a note explaining such changes must be sent to that child's teacher. If the child rides a bus, this note should be shown to the bus driver. Parents are asked to include in the note the name of the person, if different to the parent/guardian, who will be getting the child. If you plan to pick your child up every afternoon, one note may be sent at the beginning of the school year. If on any day there is a change to this procedure, send another note informing us of the change and your child will be called to the office. Parents are asked to help us by using these guidelines: • Walkers, car riders will be dismissed when the 2:45 p.m. bell rings. • Children who normally ride the bus but have notes that someone is coming for them at the end of the day will wait for their ride in the car rider circle. • If parents are coming for their children for the occasional one-day, they need to come to the office and sign the children out. We will announce who these children are during our afternoon announcements between 2:35 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. and students will report to the front vestibule outside the office. • Unless we have a note from a parent, or the parent is here before dismissal to get his/her child, all children who ride a bus will ride it home. • We will not accept verbal messages from students about dismissal changes. The children's safety is much too important for us to use this procedure. • The following request is made of parents: PLEASE DO NOT ASK US TO MAKE CHANGES REGARDING YOUR CHILD'S DISMISSAL BY TELEPHONE OR EMAIL. We cannot be sure to whom we are communicating and the possibility of dismissing a child to someone with whom the child should not be is too great. • Students will not be dismissed to anyone other than to those who are listed on the student emergency form, which is signed by the parent or guardian, unless the parent or guardian sends in a note in advance stating the name of the individual who will be picking up the child(ren).