DELMAR ELEMENTARY 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 9 • The office may request photo identification from any individual picking up children. • ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BY OR BEFORE 3:15 p.m. DRESS CODE All students must dress appropriately while attending school as defined in our student dress code. EMERGENCY INFORMATION Personal Data/Emergency Information sheets will be sent home by each child on the first day of school. It is imperative that all sheets be returned and fully completed. Emergency situations can arise rather frequently in a school this size. For your child’s health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency contact information. Please remember that it is imperative that a new form be completed with each family/household change. A new proof of residency must be submitted with every residential move. FAMILY PORTAL Parents of students in grades 1st through 4th are encouraged to utilize the Family Portal online system to monitor students’ grades and attendance. Information including login and password procedures will be provided to parents of students in these grades at the start of the school year. Again, this year, all midterms and report cards will be available on Family Portal. FIELD DAY One day in the spring (May) is set aside for a physical activity day. Events scheduled during this day reflect skill areas practiced and developed in the physical education program. All children participate. The physical education department has the responsibility of planning and coordinating the activities of this day. We ask that all children participate unless there is a clear reason for them not to participate, which must be shared with the principal. FIELD TRIPS A single class, grade level, or combination of classes frequently takes field trips. They are not, however, a requirement. Field trips are planned at the discretion of the teachers and must be curriculum-oriented. When trips are planned, it is important that all members of the class attend, as learners will participate in lessons as they prepare for the trip and as they return from the trip.