10 DRIVING PRIVIEDGES Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from EHS. Licensed drivers are permitted to park in the student lot at no charge. Permits will only be issued to Seniors and Juniors. Students may park in the faculty/student parking lot or the lower lot near the tennis courts. Upon arrival to school, all students are to leave their vehicles immediately and wait in the designated areas (front ramp) All school policies apply to students in vehicles on school property and student drivers are responsible for the conduct of their passengers. Speed limit is 15 mph on school property. The school is not responsible for articles lost or stolen from vehicles. Students are not allowed to return to any vehicle during the school day unless an administrator grants permission and accompanies the student. Failure to follow these regulations may result in the revocation of the parking privilege and additional disciplinary action if warranted. Driving privileges will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.