Evening High School Student Handbook 2024-2025

7 Textbooks All textbooks are approved by the Board of Education of Wicomico County and paid for by them from county funds. Teachers may issue them to students who are then responsible for them until they are collected. Students are expected to take good care of the books issued to them and keep them covered at all times. Teachers may assess fines for damaged books and students must pay for lost books. No student may be issued a second book until the payment for the first has been made. Laptops All students will be issued a laptop that is property of Wicomico County Public Schools. Students are responsible for following all criteria on the “Laptop Loaner Device Agreement” that they receive with the laptop. Lockers Lockers will NOT be utilized during the 2023-2024 school year. ACADEMICS Academic Integrity The students, faculty, and staff of the Wicomico Evening community are committed to creating an environment of academic integrity and personal character that affirms honesty, responsibility, and effort. We believe that an essential part of education and citizenship is developing a sense of responsibility and fairness by encouraging principled actions. Our goal is to foster the growth of each student's self-respect through academic integrity and ethical behavior and to encourage honest and trustworthy conduct in all curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. Academic Dishonesty {Cheating} Cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual undermines the legitimacy of an assignment, assessment, or project. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following.  copying or paraphrasing all or part of someone else’s work.  looking at someone else’s test, quiz or exam while testing.  copying from the Internet or other source without crediting the source.  allowing others to copy or paraphrase your work.  attempting to communicate or receive information during an assessment.  submitting another student’s research /work as your own  working together without teacher approval.  cheat sheets on paper, your person, etc.  asking or paying someone to complete work for you  Misrepresenting or falsifying lab data.  using unauthorized electronic devices during an assessment.  giving or selling work for someone to submit as their own work.  Using purchased or internet summaries rather than reading the text.  obtaining/looking at a test before it’s given.  Taking pictures of exams or work to distribute to others.