8 Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual submits or presents the work of another person as his or her own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following: • Quoting or paraphrasing all or part of someone else's written or spoken words without documentation within the body of the work. • Presenting one’s own idea, theory, or formula that is original to another person. • Using information that is not common knowledge without documentation of the source. Mid-Term Progress Reports and Report Cards Progress Reports and Report Cards will be available through the family portal at www.x2.wcboe.org. Printed copies will only be made available upon request. A printed copy of the 4th term report card will be mailed home at the end of the year. Promotion Requirements In order to pass to the next grade, a student must have earned the following minimum credits: 9th to 10th - 4 credits 10th to 11th - 9 credits 11th to 12th - 14 credits *Credits earned can be found in the bottom right corner of the 4th term report card. ACADEMICS cont. Graduation Requirements The State of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high school graduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories of requirements: • Enrollment • Course Credit • Student Service Learning • Maryland Assessments Please contact your school counselor for further information regarding specific course details. You may also reference the WCPS Course Catalog for 2023-2024 at www.wcboe.org. Service Learning Students are required to have at least 75 hours of Service Learning to graduate. According to the WCPS High School Course Catalog 2019-2020 “the following will count for service-learning credit: service completed without compensation for the student, and which addresses a community need (outside the student’s family) in the student’s school, community, or a non-profit community agency constitutes the action of student service. The components of preparation, action, and reflection are state required components of student service.” *Please contact your guidance counselor with Service-learning question SERVICE LEARNING AWARDS o Laudable Service Award 200 hours (certificate) o Exemplary Service Award 300 hours (certificate) o Meritorious Service Award 500 hours (certificate & cords)