Employee Code of Conduct 2023-2024

EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT Wicomico County Board of Education ABSTRACT This Code of Conduct represents a compilation of policies which guide employees to exercise proper conduct, professional responsibility, and legal obligation in the workplace.

TABLE OF CONTENTS OPENING LETTER..................................................................................................................... 3 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................ 4 Ethics and Finance .......................................................................................................................... 4 Professional Behavior and Mutual Respect .................................................................................... 5 Illegal Behavior............................................................................................................................... 5 Student Safety and Protection ......................................................................................................... 6

N. Eugene Malone, Jr. Cha irman Michael G. Murray Vice Cha irman Allen C. Brown, Sr. Donald L. Fi tzgerald Tonya La ird Lewis John Palmer Ann B. Suthowsk i BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WICOMICO COUNTY P.O. Box 1538 2424 NorthGate Drive Salisbury, MD 21802-1538 410-677-4400 FAX 410-677-4444 www.wcboe . or g The Wicomico County Board of Education prohibits illegal discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, immigration status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, family/parental status, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, poverty and socioeconomic status, language, or other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other Title 36 designated youth groups. Discrimination undermines our community’s long-standing efforts to create, foster and promote equity, inclusion and acceptance for all. Micah C. Stauffer, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Dear Employees, Wicomico County Public Schools (WCPS) is proud of its reputation as a school system that strongly values integrity, respect, and transparency. This reputation enables us to retain the highest quality employees to ensure that our students gain the knowledge and skills to become successful and responsible graduates and go on to pursue further education and/or rewarding careers. This Code of Conduct identifies for our employees the areas of focus that assist us in maintaining that proud reputation. Within these areas are various Board of Education Policies and WCPS Administrative Procedures that describe the pertinent components of each area of focus. The five (5) areas of focus are: • Confidentiality • Ethics and Finance • Professional Behavior and Mutual Respect • Illegal Behavior • Student Safety and Protection While the Board of Education Policies and WCPS Administrative Procedures outlined in this Code of Conduct may not address all ethical concerns that you could face during your employment, this document provides information that will assist you in making such decisions on a daily basis. Employees are expected to be familiar with these policies and procedures and understand that violations can lead to disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment. You are encouraged to ask for guidance whenever you need help in these areas. Thank you for helping Wicomico County Public Schools continue its commitment to a workplace that sets a positive example for our students and community. Sincerely, Micah C. Stauffer, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools

I. Confidentiality The Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) expects its employees to uphold the highest standard of confidentiality in terms of personnel, school district business, and student information. Employees who are exposed, or granted access to any confidential information, hold a position of trust, and therefore must preserve the security and confidentiality of the information. Any employee with authorized access to WCBOE records, files, information systems, or computer resources shall use the data or files solely for WCBOE business and abide by all applicable Federal and State guidelines and WCBOE policies regarding confidentiality of data. ADM-HRR-PL-026, Employee Confidentiality Policy ADM-HRR-PL-019, Social Media Policy ADM-HRR-PR-008, Social Media and Other Electronic Communications Procedure ADM-TEC-PL-004, Acceptable Use of Technology Policy ADM-TEC-PR-002, Acceptable Use of Technology Procedure SFS-RMC-PL-001, Student Records Policy SFS-RMC-PR-001, Student Records Procedure BOE-GEN-PL-019, Media Relations Policy BOE-GEN-PR-003, Media Relations and Communications Procedure BOE-GEN-PR-001, Rules of Procedure for Appeals and Hearings before The Wicomico County Board of Education ADM-TEC-PL-006, WCBOE Electronic Data Retention Policy II. Ethics and Finance Employees must maintain the highest standards of ethics especially when employed in positions involving financial management or vendor relations. Employees must avoid conflicts of interest, or any resemblance of such. Furthermore, every employee has a duty to report fraud, waste, abuse, policy violations, or unlawful or improper acts in order to maintain the integrity of WCPS and WCBOE. BOE-GEN-PL-020, Ethics Policy BOE-GEN-PL-023, Political Solicitation in the Schools Policy ADM-HRR-PL-029, Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation Policy ADM-FIN-PL-018, School Fundraising and Crowdfunding Policy ADM-FIN-PR-008, School Fundraising and Crowdfunding Procedure ADM-FIN-PL-019, Employees serving on Parent or Parent-Supported School Organizations Policy

BOE-GEN-PL-002, School Board Governance Policy ADM-FIN-PR-004, Procurement Procedures ADM-FIN-PR-003, Travel Procedures ADM-FIN-PL-002, Authorized Signatures Policy ADM-FIN-PR-007, Authorized Signatures Procedure ADM-FIN-PL-003, School Financial Obligations Policy ADM-FIN-PL-029, Audit of School Activities Fund Policy ADM-HRR-PL-003, Assignment of Close Relatives Policy III. Professional Behavior and Mutual Respect The Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) encourages and expects a working atmosphere free from harassment. Also, WCBOE will not tolerate an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Likewise, to maintain an atmosphere free of environmental disruptions and distractions, this code of conduct includes the ban of tobacco or tobacco-related products (e-cigarettes) on WCBOE properties. BOE-GEN-PL-001, Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy ADM-HRR-PL-024, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy ADM-HRR-PR-004, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Procedure ADM-HRR-PL-028, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy BOE-GEN-PL-011, Tobacco-Free Schools Policy IV. Illegal Behavior Persons employed by the Wicomico County Board of Education must not, by their actions, deeds or teachings, in any way encourage or condone the violation of any criminal laws. Such violations include but are not limited to; a felony, a crime involving a controlled dangerous substance, a crime of immorality, a child abuse offense, or any other offense which would in the sole discretion of the Wicomico County Board of Education appear to affect the fitness of that employee to perform the customary role for which they are employed. The Wicomico County Board of Education strives to meet in a forthright and positive manner the problem of alcohol and drug use in Wicomico County Public Schools (WCPS). The Wicomico County Board of Education does not, in any manner, condone or approve of the use of controlled substances, drugs, or alcohol by employees.

Finally, no person shall possess, use, or threaten to use any weapon or dangerous instrument, or imitation thereof, all as hereinafter defined, on school property, in school buildings, on a school bus, in Board of Education vehicles, in a vehicle located on school property, or at any school- related or school-sponsored activity away from school facilities. ADM-HRR-PL-018, Employee Alcohol, Controlled Substance, and Drug-Free Workplace Policy SFS-SAF-PL-024, Dangerous Weapons/Instruments in Schools Policy ADM-HRR-PL-016, Violation of Criminal Laws Policy ADM-HRR-PL-011, Criminal Background Checks of Employment Candidates and Employees Policy * * With the passage of Maryland House Bill 486, County Boards of Education require an applicant for a position involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information such as the contact information of the current employer, all former school employers and all former employers of the applicant in which the application was employed in a position involving direct contact with minors. The applicant shall provide a signed consent form to authorize current and previous employers to release information regarding CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE OR SEXUAL MISCONDUCT. V. Student Safety and Protection The Wicomico County Board of Education recognizes its legal and ethical obligation in ensuring the safety of its students as well as the prevention of interruptions to the instructional process. This includes ensuring student safety while on buses, within school facilities and sites, as well as off-site such as field trips and other external events. At the same time, WCPS Employees have an obligation to report any suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to duly constituted authorities (Department of Social Services) regardless of where or when it may occur, and who may be perpetrating such abuse. SFS-SAF-PL-005, Wicomico County Public Schools Visitor Policy SFS-SAF-PR-005, Wicomico County Public Schools Visitor Procedure INS-SCH-PL-015, Animals in Schools Policy INS-SCH-PR-012, Animals in Schools Procedure SFS-GEN-PL-002, Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy SFS-GEN-PR-002, Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Procedure SFS-HEA-PL-004, Communicable Disease and Bloodborne Pathogen Policy INS-SCH-PL-018, Field Trips Policy INS-SCH-PR-019, Field Trips Procedure SFS-SAF-PL-006, Monitoring Systems Policy

ADM-TRA-PL-012, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) on Contractor-Owned School Vehicles Policy ADM-TRA-PR-003, Reporting a School Vehicle Accident Policy ADM-TRA-PL-001, Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Vehicle Drivers Policy ADM-TRA-PR-001, Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Vehicle Drivers Procedure -END-