Employee Code of Conduct 2023-2024

I. Confidentiality The Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) expects its employees to uphold the highest standard of confidentiality in terms of personnel, school district business, and student information. Employees who are exposed, or granted access to any confidential information, hold a position of trust, and therefore must preserve the security and confidentiality of the information. Any employee with authorized access to WCBOE records, files, information systems, or computer resources shall use the data or files solely for WCBOE business and abide by all applicable Federal and State guidelines and WCBOE policies regarding confidentiality of data. ADM-HRR-PL-026, Employee Confidentiality Policy ADM-HRR-PL-019, Social Media Policy ADM-HRR-PR-008, Social Media and Other Electronic Communications Procedure ADM-TEC-PL-004, Acceptable Use of Technology Policy ADM-TEC-PR-002, Acceptable Use of Technology Procedure SFS-RMC-PL-001, Student Records Policy SFS-RMC-PR-001, Student Records Procedure BOE-GEN-PL-019, Media Relations Policy BOE-GEN-PR-003, Media Relations and Communications Procedure BOE-GEN-PR-001, Rules of Procedure for Appeals and Hearings before The Wicomico County Board of Education ADM-TEC-PL-006, WCBOE Electronic Data Retention Policy II. Ethics and Finance Employees must maintain the highest standards of ethics especially when employed in positions involving financial management or vendor relations. Employees must avoid conflicts of interest, or any resemblance of such. Furthermore, every employee has a duty to report fraud, waste, abuse, policy violations, or unlawful or improper acts in order to maintain the integrity of WCPS and WCBOE. BOE-GEN-PL-020, Ethics Policy BOE-GEN-PL-023, Political Solicitation in the Schools Policy ADM-HRR-PL-029, Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation Policy ADM-FIN-PL-018, School Fundraising and Crowdfunding Policy ADM-FIN-PR-008, School Fundraising and Crowdfunding Procedure ADM-FIN-PL-019, Employees serving on Parent or Parent-Supported School Organizations Policy