Wicomico County Public Schools 2424 Northgate Drive, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1538 Salisbury, MD 21802-1538 ____________________ Telephone 410-677-4400 FAX 410-677-4416 www.wcboe.org Dear Employee: This guide has been prepared by the Human Resource Office for the exclusive use of its contractual employees. Its contents, while not all-inclusive and detailed, are subject to periodic change and do not constitute an expressed or implied contract. It should be read in its entirety at the time of employment so that you will be familiar with policies and benefits directly affecting you as an employee. At other times, you should refer to it whenever you have a question regarding a specific item. If you cannot find the answer to your question or need further explanation, you are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Office. Should you be transferred to another work site, take this guide with you.