East Salisbury Student Handbook 2024-2025

LOST ITEMS Lost items are placed in the “lost and found” except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses, etc. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each school year, items not claimed will be donated to a charity. EMERGENCY DRILLS Regular emergency drills are held for the student’s protection. When the fire bell rings or code is announced, follow the directions your teacher has practiced with you. If the fire bell rings, or the emergency is announced when the student is in the hallway or elsewhere, the student must leave the building by the nearest exit and go to the nearest adult, who will help the student get to his/her class. DRESS CODE A student’s appearance should reflect pride and respect for self and for school. Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, is torn and ragged, unsafe, or causes a disturbance, is in poor taste and not acceptable. All students should groom and dress themselves neatly in items that are suitable for school activities. No cosmetics or nail polish should be worn or brought to school. The following types of clothing are unacceptable:  Halter tops  Midriff shirts  See-through blouses  Large armhole blouses/shirts  Eyelet or fishnet shirts  Tank tops  Very short shorts or skirts  Thong shoes and flip-flops  Hats, scarves, and other head coverings, except for religious or cultural reasons, inside the building.  T-shirts displaying vulgar, obscene, and/or inappropriate pictures and/or writing  Sagging pants that drag the floor or expose skin or undergarments  Picks or combs protruding from the hair  Brass knuckle rings and distracting chains or keychains  Coats and jackets inside the building  Gang symbols  Sunglasses inside the building REPORT CARDS/MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS Report cards will be available in X2 four times during the school year. Please ensure you are able to sign into your child’s account as paper copies are not available. Classroom teachers and/or office staff are available to assist with setting up your account if you need assistance. If you wish to conference with the teacher, please reach the teacher through email, TalkingPoints or by calling the office and leaving a message. If the teacher has requested a conference, please call or send a note in order to schedule the time. Each student will receive a progress report mid-way through each of the four