marking terms. Progress reports will be available through the X2 system as well. VISITORS So that the office personnel may have the opportunity to officially greet all parents/guardians, all parent/guardians are asked to come to the school office to register before visiting the school. A notice to this effect is posted on each entrance door of Wicomico County Schools. In addition to allowing us the opportunity to meet visitors to our school, this policy provides for the protection of our students and staff. If a parent/guardian needs to bring something to school for their child or needs to confer with the child during the school day, all parents/guardians are asked to report to the office. The office personnel will be glad to provide the parent/guardian with a “Visitor’s Pass” and/or assist in any other way. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are scheduled as part of the students’ educational program. Permission slips must be signed by a parent/guardian before students are permitted to leave the school. MEDIA RELEASE There are occasions throughout the school year when students are involved in activities and events which receive favorable media/newspaper coverage. We are proud to share students’ accomplishments as we hope you are. We need your permission to share your child’s picture or statements with the media. Please send a note to school if you do not with to have your child photographed for school events.