MISSION STATEMENT OF EAST SALISBURY SCHOOL The mission of East Salisbury School is to provide all students the opportunity to develop academic skills that will enable them to meet the challenges of an ever changing and complex society. BELIEFS All children can learn. Each student should be challenged to reach his/her full potential. The diversity of each individual, including his/her unique and innate characteristics, should be respected. Students should experience challenging content and achieve high standards. Each student should acquire a core body of knowledge and a set of definable skills. Values adopted by the Wicomico County Board of Education should be reinforced. Families and community involvement should be welcomed and encouraged. Continual evaluations of our school’s performance should be made to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of high-quality education. PHILOSOPHY East Salisbury Staff maintains high expectations for all our students, staff and parents. Based on our knowledge of child growth and development and philosophy at East Salisbury, we expect parents to: 1. Support your child’s teacher and school in a positive and open manner. 2. Communicate problems and pleasures with school personnel and assist in seeking solutions to the problems. 3. Confer with your child’s teacher(s) monthly. 4. Support all school and county policies and regulations. 5. Love and support your child. SCHOOL SERVICES At ESS, the school doors open 8:45 AM for all students. There is no supervision for students arriving before this time. Students should arrive no later than 9:15 AM, or they will be considered tardy. If a student should arrive after 9:15 AM, he/she should report to the office first. If a student is to go home a different way than he/she arrived, a note indicating this should be sent to the teacher. If the student is a bus rider, the note should also be shown to the driver. If a decision is made after the child’s arrival to school; you may fax the note to (410-677-5872). No telephone calls will be accepted. No changes to transportation can be made after 2:30 PM. Children who must leave school during the school day are to bring a note to that effect and should be picked up at the school office by the parent or authorized adult. You will need to sign your child out at the window.