CAFETERIA SERVICES BREAKFAST- A free breakfast is served daily from 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM. Menus for breakfast and lunches are posted on the WCBOE.ORG website. Breakfast will not be served on a 90-minute delayed opening. LUNCH- All students will receive a free lunch. Those who prefer to bring their lunch, may purchase milk and ice cream separately. The lunch period is thirty (30) minutes long. Al a carte items are also offered for purchase. PERSONAL DATA FORMS Personal data forms will be sent home to all parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year. These forms will provide each parent/guardian with up-to-date emergency information. The forms will be a tool for parent/guardians to use in emergency situations throughout the school year. Each parent/guardian must complete each form in its entirety including the front and back of each sheet. Due to the importance of your child’s health and safety, all forms must be appropriately filed and readily available to the office staff personnel. The completed pages of the personal data forms should include the following: Parent/guardian’s home and alternate phone numbers Name and number of at least two persons of contact that is legally responsible for the child Home and work address All information recorded in the personal data form is crucial in the case of a child’s injury or illness during the school year. It is each parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the administrative staff immediately if there are any changes in the child’s health status. In the event of a change in health status, please include any restrictions or limitations prescribed by the health care professional. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Each parent/guardian must notify the school office personnel immediately if there is a change in address or phone numbers (including cell phone numbers). Ensuring that all information is accurate and up to date will enable the school to act accordingly and efficiently in the event of an emergency. TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL The school office personnel will provide each parent/guardian with initial transfer information to assist in registering at a new school if the child is to be transferred or has withdrawn from East Salisbury Elementary School. CURRICULUM East Salisbury Elementary School offers instruction in Reading, Language Arts (Writing, English, and Handwriting), Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Media. In addition, students receive computer instruction and guidance instruction. In order to meet the needs of all students, the following programs are also available: Band, Chorus, Guidance, Orchestra, Reading and Math intervention, schoolwide Title I math, schoolwide Title I reading, speech, and occupational therapy.