East Salisbury Student Handbook 2024-2025

RECOGNITION AWARDS Academic Achievement Attendance Band/Chorus Citizenship Physical Education Art SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRALS A referral for special education services should be initiated when a child is experiencing difficulty in adjusting to school, is working far below grade level, and is making minimal progress, or when there is sufficient concern registered regarding the existence of possible disabling condition. Teachers should gather information from the following sources: work samples, the child’s cumulative record, testing scores, parents, and other staff who work with the child. This information should be shared with the School Management Team and the special education teacher who will guide the teacher through the steps to the referral. Completed referral forms may be submitted to the principal by teachers, the School Management Team, or other staff members who are knowledgeable of the child’s learning difficulties. Parent/Guardians may submit a referral by writing a letter to the principal stating their concerns and requesting psychological, educational, or other testing such as speech/language or occupational therapy assessments. The principal will review the referral and become familiar with the specifics of the case. A meeting of the School IEP Team will be convened with the following persons attending: a building administrator, the special education (resource) teacher, the child’s classroom teacher, and others deemed appropriate by the IEP Team. The IEP Team will make the final decision regarding disposition of the referral. WEDNESDAY FOLDERS Each student will bring home their weekly assignment, notes written by their teachers, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all graded papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. CONFERENCES Conferences may be requested by the teacher or by the parent/guardian at any time during the school year. If a parent/guardian wants to meet with the child’s teacher, he/she must contact the school office to arrange for an appointment. The teacher will either confirm the time requested or reschedule an appointment at a mutually agreeable time. If a parent/guardian requests a conference he/she should hear from the teacher within 2 days. Please call the school administration immediately if no contact is made. Parents/guardians should expect teachers to contact them when a student’s performance reflects a failing grade, no homework, poor test scores, etc.