East Salisbury Student Handbook 2024-2025

5. Animals are not permitted in school, unless the teacher gives permission. 6. Foul or profane language and behavior are not appropriate for our learning environment and will not be permitted. 7. Gun, knives, sharp instruments, or any other kind of weapon in school is a violation of Wicomico County Code of Conduct. 8. Good manners should be used in the restrooms. 9. Bicycles and skateboard are not to be ridden on the playground or sidewalks. Bicycles should be placed on the racks provided while school is in session. 10. Playing, walking, or running in any driveway or parking lot is not permitted for safety reasons. 11. No physical contact, not even “play fighting,” is permitted. Fighting, “play fighting,” and bullying is in violation of county or school policy. It is better to solve conflicts by reporting and/or talking through them. CAFETERIA RULES 1. Good table manners should be displayed. 2. Quiet conversation is permissible. 3. Move in an orderly fashion into the cafeteria and through the serving line. 4. Students must sit at assigned seats/tables. 5. Students must have permission to leave your table. 6. Sodas or glass containers are NOT allowed. 7. Students must line up quickly and quietly when directed. ASSEMBLY RULES 1. Orderly arrival and departure are required. 2. Remain silent during the presentation, unless the presentation requires response from the audience. 3. Keep hands and feet still and chairs quiet. 4. Applaud at the appropriate times and intervals. 5. There will be no yelling, booing, hissing, or hooting under any circumstances. PLAYGROUND RULES 1. SWING SET  Sit, do not stand, on the swings.  Do not push students in the swings.  Do not jump out of the swings.  Do not twist or swing sideways.  Only one person may swing sideways.  Only one person may swing at a time.  You must hold on with both hands. 2. JUMP ROPE  Jump ropes are to be used only for jumping.  No tug of war is permitted. 3. BATS AND BALLS (with teacher supervision)  Stand behind the backstop when you are waiting your turn.  Only school softballs may be used.  No sliding is permitted.