discretion of the principal or designee. 3rd Offense Referral to the Transportation Office. Conference with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent, and student (and driver, if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. 4th Offense Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. TELEPHONE USE Students are not permitted to use the school phone. If an emergency arises, the office personnel will make the call in the school office. Reasons for calls vary from school to school, depending on circumstances. TEXTBOOKS & LAPTOPS The student policy of the Board of Education is that textbooks and laptops should be properly cared for to prolong the life of these items. The student will be charged for damaged and/or lost textbooks and laptops. MEDICATION All prescription, over-the counter, homeopathic and herbal medications to be given at school must be ordered by a person authorized to prescribe medication. Written parental consent is required for each medication ordered. The parent must give the first dose of any new prescription, except for emergency medications such as EPI-Pen. The original prescription container should accompany all medications. Medications should be brought to school by the parent or responsible adult. Children are NOT to transport medication to or from school. Children are also not to keep medication in their possession during the school day. All medication must be stored in a locked cabinet. All medication not picked up by the parent or responsible adult will be disposed of one week after the expiration date or at the end of the school year. When the nurse is unable to administer a medication, a trained designated school’s staff person will administer the medication. If more detail is needed regarding these guidelines, the school nurse should be consulted. LOST ITEMS Lost items are placed in the “lost and found” except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses, etc. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each school year, items not claimed will be donated to a charity. EMERGENCY DRILLS Regular emergency drills are held for the student’s protection. When the fire bell rings or code is announced, follow the directions your teacher has practiced with you. If the fire bell rings, or the emergency is announced when the student is in the hallway or elsewhere, the student must leave the building by the nearest exit and go to the nearest adult, who will help the student get to his/her class. DRESS CODE A student’s appearance should reflect pride and respect for self and for school. Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, is torn and ragged, unsafe, or causes a disturbance, is in poor taste and not acceptable. All students should groom and dress