CELL PHONES/PERSONAL ELECTRONICS Any personal electronics including, but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. may not be accessed by students from 8:45-4:15 daily. Students who bring such devices to school will be required to turn them off and place them in their backpacks. Students will not be permitted to carry/wear these electronic devices at school. If a student is seen with one of these items, they will be asked to place it in their backpack. If the item continues to cause distractions, it will be confiscated, and a parent will be required to pick it up from the main office after notification. PBIS Our school has contracted to support our students and their positive behaviors through the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). This initiative supports and rewards positive behaviors to students who are caught doing the right thing. Students may “purchase” various items or attendance at certain activities. Students may be invited to go to the school store or participate in a school-sponsored activity. We target specific behaviors occasionally, and reward students who are performing appropriately. School-wide and hallway rules, cafeteria procedures, bus ramp expectations, attendance, and other sections of this document support this initiative. SKATEBOARDS Leave at home your skateboards, skates, rollerblades, roller shoes and any other wheeled contraptions. TOYS Leave at home any toys, games, videos, game consoles, cards or any other play item. As “fidgets” have become popular, we insist that these devices remain at home. They tend to distract others, no matter what the ostensive “therapeutic” benefits may be. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS As we promote communication and remain current, our school website, official Instagram and official Facebook site will be a conduit of information concerning our school and district events. In addition, all our teachers manage a Class Dojo and monitor their email for messages from parents. Please view all our efforts collectively, as you connect with our school and your child’s teacher to keep open our lines of communication. You may access all our email addresses through the website and connect with school administrators and office staff, as well. We continue to rely on our School Messenger email/phone blasts to send messages. Usually, we send them on Friday afternoons or evenings. If you do not receive these messages, we likely do not have updated phone numbers or email addresses; contact our office to ensure that your information is up-to-date.