Fruitland Intermediate 2024-2025 Student Handbook

to maneuver as you adjust to cars in front of you. Have your student ready to leave the vehicle promptly, and when it is safe, he or she may exit on the right to the sidewalk, then in the building, as directed. Do not drop off your student from the travel lane. STUDENT CAR RIDER DISMISSAL PROCEDURES As the queue begins early, recognize that delaying your pick-up until after 3:55 will assist you and our school to prevent back-ups and gridlock. Enter the parking lot, loop around the back of the building, keep right and pull as far forward as you are safely able to maneuver as you adjust to the cars in front of you. At the rear of the building, you will be directed to form two dismissal lines. Students who usually get picked up will have a number assigned to them that must be associated with the number tag that we issue to the parent. This number tag must be displayed prominently on the mirror or other conspicuous place so that the monitors quickly can match the student with the car. Students will be dismissed from the front west exit, as the queue moves to free up the next wave of cars. Drivers in this queue must be attentive and must remain with their vehicles. As students embark, and as soon as it is safely possible, drivers must exit the school grounds by turning right out of the parking lot onto Main Street, going east. We are coordinating our efforts with our primary school partners as our procedures will be similar and numbers assigned by Fruitland Primary School will be acknowledged here at Fruitland Intermediate School. BIKE RIDERS There is a bicycle rack provided for students who ride their bikes to school. It is located on the west side of the building. After parking your bike, be sure that it is secured with a lock attached to the rack. We require all students to walk their bicycles while on school property and we encourage all to wear helmets while riding. BUS LOT PROCEDURES Buses are boarded in the bus loading area on the east side of the building. We expect students to exit the building to the breezeway and to board the assigned bus immediately. You must have prior permission before boarding a bus other than your normal means of transportation. A note from your parent or guardian must request permission. The note is to contain your name, reason for request, date when riding, bus number, and parent’s signature. Submit it to the office at the beginning of the day for approval and a note will be given to the bus driver to board the bus. Permission will not be granted on the bus lot if you fail to follow the appropriate procedures. GENERAL BUS PROCEDURES Wicomico County provides bus transportation to and from school. Riding the school bus is a privilege which may be withdrawn for continuous inappropriate behavior. The bus driver is in complete charge of the bus and its occupants at all times. In order for a child to ride a bus other than his/her assigned one, a request must be written by the parent or guardian and submitted to the school office for approval. The bus ramp in front of school is reserved for buses only from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Since students’ safety is a factor, please adhere to these procedures. ATTENDANCE