If a student is absent, regardless of the length of time, he/she must account for his/her absence by bringing a note signed by his/her parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence. This note should be given to the student’s teacher who will forward the note to the office. If a student has a doctor, dental or other professional appointment, he/she is to bring a note to the main office before homeroom. He/She will be given an ARRIVAL SLIP indicating the time he/she is to report to the main office to sign out. The student must wait in the office for his/her parents to arrive. When the student returns to school, he/she must have a note from the doctor, dentist or parent verifying that he/she has been to see the doctor or dentist. Absence from school without parent's/guardian’s consent (truancy) is not acceptable. Truancy is unexcused; therefore, disciplinary actions will follow as stated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. LATE OPENINGS/EARLY CLOSINGS Announcements concerning any changes in the regular school schedule will be made on the local radio and television stations. Parents/guardians may also call 410-677-5100 for a recorded message or access www.wicomicoschools.org as well as our social media pages. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, RADIO STATIONS, OR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICES REGARDING THESE CHANGES. ATTENDANCE School attendance is important to student achievement. We ask that you help us reach and maintain our attendance goals by scheduling trips, doctor appointments, etc. at times when school is not in session, and by attending school every day unless the child is ill. A note is required that includes the reason for the absence and must be signed by a physician or parent/guardian upon the student’s return to school. ABSENCE FOR TRIPS If a child is to be absent from school due to a family trip, the following provisions, established by the Board of Education, apply. While it is recognized that a trip cannot be considered a legal reason to be absent from school, the maximum number of days that may be excused is three days for a trip and the below should be followed: 1. Notes for any absence must be given to the office. Those not received within 5 days of the absence will not be accepted. 2. The trip must be with family or be parent-sanctioned. 3. Circumstances should be discussed with the principal in advance. 4. All arrangements for making up work should be made with the teacher(s) prior to absence and should be completed within a reasonable time after returning to school. It is recommended that the number of days allowed to make up work be equal to the number of days of absence. 5. The trip should have a definite educational value for the student involved. SCHOOL RULES 1. Walk in hallways. 2. Gum is not allowed at school or on buses.