Fruitland Intermediate 2024-2025 Student Handbook

PLAYGROUND RULES SWING SET 1. Sit, do not stand, in the swings. 2. Do not push students in the swings. 3. Do not jump out of the swings. 4. Do not twist or swing sideways. 5. Only one person may swing at a time. 6. You must hold on with both hands. 7. Do not wrap the swings’ chains around the vertical bar in an attempt to raise the height of the swing. JUMP ROPE 1. Jump ropes are to be used only for jumping. 2. No tug of war is permitted. BATS AND BALLS (with teacher supervision) 1. Stand behind the backstop when you are waiting your turn. 2. Only school soft balls may be used. 3. No sliding is permitted. SLIDE 1. Only one person at a time is permitted on the slide or the steps. 2. Sit on the slide; do not use knees, back, stomach, or stand up. 3. Climb up the steps; do not climb up the slide part. Stay away from the bottom of the slide. 4. When your turn comes, take it; sitting on the top for a long time is not allowed. 5. No toys, dirt, sticks, etc., are allowed on the slide. 6. Do not play tag or chase on the sliding board. KICK BALL 1. Kicking is to be done away from wires and fences. 2. Watch for fellow playmates as you kick. 3. Avoid kicking a ball in someone’s face or other body areas and causing injury. GENERAL 1. There should be no: physical contact; play-fighting, pushing, or pulling; gymnastics on the ground; climbing on the fence; playing close to stones, trees, and shrubbery; playing between portables; soccer without direct adult supervision, football; kicking balls toward the electric wires or over the fence: throwing stones or other objects at others. 2. Do: get permission to re-enter the building; line up quickly and quietly when the whistle is blown; bring in the equipment you take out.