Fruitland Intermediate 2024-2025 Student Handbook

STUDENT HANDBOOK A copy of this Code is available on the website for all families to read. It is the guide of consequences used when inappropriate behaviors occur. An outline of Codes used for Grades 3-5 is found below. PC = Parent Conference, EXP = Expulsion Disciplinary Office Intermediate Grade 3-5 Physical Attack-Teacher/Staff or other AdultsPhysically attacking an employee of the school system or other adult, including striking a staff member who is intervening in a fight or other disruptive activity. Min. PC Max. EXP Physical Attack on a StudentWillfully and physically pushing, hitting or otherwise attacking another student. PC EXP Verbal or Physical Threat to Teacher, Staff, or Other AdultsThreatening or aggressive language or gestures directed toward a staff member or anyone other than a student. PC 3 days Verbal or Physical Threat to StudentThreatening or aggressive language or gestures directed toward another student. PC 3 days FightingA physical confrontation involving two or more students. PC 5 days Serious Bodily InjurySerious bodily injury to another person that involves the risk of death, extreme physical pain, long-term and obvious disfigurement or the long-term loss or impairment of a bodily member, organ or mental ability. Reference UDEA at 20 U.S.C. 1415 (k)(7)(D) from 18 U.S.C. 1365 (h)(3). 5 days EXP Sexual AssaultPhysical sexual attack on another person during school hours or during any school-supported activity. 5 days EXP SCHOOL BUS RULES 1. Your bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. You are expected to obey your bus driver. 2. If you must cross the road when boarding or leaving the bus, WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS. Your driver can then warn you of danger. Look both ways before crossing the road. 3. Enter and leave the bus by the front door. The back door is for emergency use only. Do not touch the back door except in case of emergency. 4. Promptly take a seat assigned to you. 5. Sit facing forward. Keep your hands, arms and head inside the window. Keep feet, legs, books, and belongings out of the aisle. 6. Do not chew gum or eat on the bus. 7. Help your driver keep the bus clean. 8. Smoking, profane language, and/or weapons will not be tolerated on the bus. 9. Ordinary conversation is permissible. COUNTY SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. The principal and assistant principal may suspend students for additional days. Parents/guardians will be notified of suspensions. The School Bus Discipline Policy is as follows: 1st Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 2nd Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the