Fruitland Intermediate 2024-2025 Student Handbook

STUDENT HANDBOOK 208 W. Main St. Fruitland, MD 21826 Telephone: 410-677-5805 Fax: 410-677-5890 WELCOME Welcome to Fruitland Intermediate School. We are pleased to have you here. We hope that your stay here will be enjoyable and educational. This parent-student handbook will help you become familiar with policies and procedures related to the day-to-day operations of our school. Please review the information and use this booklet as a reference throughout the year. Call the number above for additional information.

MISSION STATEMENT OF FRUITLAND INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Our mission at Fruitland Intermediate School is to educate our students so that they achieve their highest levels of learning. Our goal is to provide an educational climate in which each student will: ● develop a desire to learn; ● develop a positive self-image; ● receive opportunities to be challenged; ● experience a safe environment in which to grow. BELIEFS ● All children can learn. ● Each student should be challenged to reach his/her full potential. ● The diversity of each individual, including his/her unique and innate characteristics, should be respected. ● Students should experience challenging content and achieve high standards. ● Each student should acquire a core body of knowledge and a set of definable skills. ● Values adopted by the Wicomico County Board of Education should be reinforced. ● Families and community involvement should be welcomed and encouraged. ● Continual evaluations of our school’s performance should be made to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of high-quality education. PHILOSOPHY Fruitland Intermediate staff maintains high expectations for all our students, staff, and parents. Based on our knowledge of child growth and development and philosophy at Fruitland Intermediate School, we expect parents to: 1. Support your child’s teacher and school in a positive and open manner. 2. Communicate problems and pleasures with school personnel and assist in seeking solutions to the problems. 3. Confer with your child’s teacher(s) monthly. 4. Support all school and county policies and regulations. 5. Assist the P.T.A and support school related activities. 6. Love and support your child. SCHOOL SERVICES At FIS, the school doors open at 8:45 AM for all students. There is no supervision for students arriving before this time. Students should arrive no later than 9:15 AM, or they will be considered tardy. If a student should arrive after 9:15 AM, he/she should report to the office first. If a student is to go home a different way than he/she arrived, a note indicating this should be sent to the teacher. If the student is a bus rider, the note should also be shown to the driver. If a decision is made after the child’s arrival at school; you may fax the note to (410-677-5890). No telephone calls will be accepted. Children who must leave school during the school day are to bring a note to that effect and should be picked up at the school office by the parent or authorized

adult. You will need to sign your child out at the front office. CAFETERIA SERVICES BREAKFAST- A free breakfast is served daily from 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM. Menus for breakfast and lunches are available each month. Breakfast will not be served on a 2-hour delay opening. LUNCH- A balanced lunch is available for all students. The lunch period is thirty (30) minutes long. A la carte items such as ice cream and snacks are available for purchase. PERSONAL DATA FORMS Personal data forms will be sent home to all parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year. These forms will provide each parent/guardian with up-to-date emergency information. The forms will be a tool for parents/guardians to use in emergency situations throughout the school year. Each parent/guardian must complete each form in its entirety. Due to the importance of your child’s health and safety, all forms must be appropriately filed and readily available to the office staff personnel. The completed pages of the personal data forms should include the following: ● Parent/guardian’s home and alternate phone numbers ● Name and number of at least two persons of contact that is legally responsible for the child ● Home and work address All information recorded in the personal data forms is crucial in the case of a child’s injury or illness during the school year. It is each parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the administrative staff immediately if there are any changes in the child’s health status. In the event of a change in health status, please include any restrictions or limitations prescribed by the health care professional. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Each parent/guardian must notify the school office personnel immediately if there is a change in address or phone numbers (including cell phone numbers). Ensuring that all information is accurate and up-to-date will enable the school to act accordingly and efficiently in the event of an emergency. TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL The school office personnel will provide each parent/guardian with initial transfer information to assist in registering at a new school if the child is to be transferred or has withdrawn from Fruitland Intermediate School. CURRICULUM Fruitland Intermediate School offers instruction in Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Media skills. In order to meet the needs of all students, the following programs are also available: Band, Chorus, Guidance, Orchestra, Reading/Math assistance, special education, T.A.D., speech, and occupational therapy. RECOGNITION AWARDS Academic Achievement Academic Excellence Attendance Band/Chorus Citizenship Physical Education Art SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRALS A referral for special education services should be initiated when a child is having trouble adjusting to school, is working far below grade level, and is making minimal progress, or when there is sufficient

concern registered regarding the existence of a possible disabling condition. Teachers should gather information from the following sources: work samples, the child’s cumulative record, testing scores, parents, and other staff who work with the child. This information should be shared with the Student Services Team and the special education teacher who will guide the teacher through the steps to the referral. Completed referral forms may be submitted to the principal by teachers, the Student Services Team, or other staff members who are knowledgeable of the child’s learning difficulties. Parents/guardians may submit a referral by writing a letter to the principal stating their concerns and requesting psychological, educational, or other testing such as speech/language or occupational therapy assessments. The principal will review the referral and become familiar with the specifics of the case. A meeting of the School IEP Team will be convened with the following persons attending: a building administrator, the special education teacher, the child’s classroom teacher, and others deemed appropriate by the IEP Team. The IEP Team will make the final decision regarding disposition of the referral. STUDENT WORK FOLDERS Each student will bring home their assignments, notes written by their teachers, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all graded papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. CONFERENCES Conferences may be requested by the teacher or by the parent/guardian at any time during the school year. If a parent/guardian wants to meet with the child’s teacher, he/she must contact the school office or the teacher to arrange for an appointment. The teacher will either confirm the time requested or reschedule an appointment at a mutually agreeable time. Please do not use school gatherings as times to conduct conferences. Teachers and parents/guardians can share information and discuss ideas more effectively in a more private setting. If a parent/guardian requests a conference he/she should hear from the teacher within two days. Please call the school administration immediately if no response is received. Parents/guardians should expect teachers to contact them when a student’s performance reflects a failing grade, no homework, poor test scores, etc. STUDENT INSURANCE At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians may purchase an accident insurance policy from a reputable commercial firm. Two options of coverage are available and include the following: school related accidents and 24-hour coverage. In the event of an accident at school, students would be covered by either policy. STUDENT CAR RIDER ARRIVAL PROCEDURES Student drop-off at the beginning of the day: Enter the parking lot, loop around the back of the building, keep right and pull as far forward as you are safely able

to maneuver as you adjust to cars in front of you. Have your student ready to leave the vehicle promptly, and when it is safe, he or she may exit on the right to the sidewalk, then in the building, as directed. Do not drop off your student from the travel lane. STUDENT CAR RIDER DISMISSAL PROCEDURES As the queue begins early, recognize that delaying your pick-up until after 3:55 will assist you and our school to prevent back-ups and gridlock. Enter the parking lot, loop around the back of the building, keep right and pull as far forward as you are safely able to maneuver as you adjust to the cars in front of you. At the rear of the building, you will be directed to form two dismissal lines. Students who usually get picked up will have a number assigned to them that must be associated with the number tag that we issue to the parent. This number tag must be displayed prominently on the mirror or other conspicuous place so that the monitors quickly can match the student with the car. Students will be dismissed from the front west exit, as the queue moves to free up the next wave of cars. Drivers in this queue must be attentive and must remain with their vehicles. As students embark, and as soon as it is safely possible, drivers must exit the school grounds by turning right out of the parking lot onto Main Street, going east. We are coordinating our efforts with our primary school partners as our procedures will be similar and numbers assigned by Fruitland Primary School will be acknowledged here at Fruitland Intermediate School. BIKE RIDERS There is a bicycle rack provided for students who ride their bikes to school. It is located on the west side of the building. After parking your bike, be sure that it is secured with a lock attached to the rack. We require all students to walk their bicycles while on school property and we encourage all to wear helmets while riding. BUS LOT PROCEDURES Buses are boarded in the bus loading area on the east side of the building. We expect students to exit the building to the breezeway and to board the assigned bus immediately. You must have prior permission before boarding a bus other than your normal means of transportation. A note from your parent or guardian must request permission. The note is to contain your name, reason for request, date when riding, bus number, and parent’s signature. Submit it to the office at the beginning of the day for approval and a note will be given to the bus driver to board the bus. Permission will not be granted on the bus lot if you fail to follow the appropriate procedures. GENERAL BUS PROCEDURES Wicomico County provides bus transportation to and from school. Riding the school bus is a privilege which may be withdrawn for continuous inappropriate behavior. The bus driver is in complete charge of the bus and its occupants at all times. In order for a child to ride a bus other than his/her assigned one, a request must be written by the parent or guardian and submitted to the school office for approval. The bus ramp in front of school is reserved for buses only from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Since students’ safety is a factor, please adhere to these procedures. ATTENDANCE

If a student is absent, regardless of the length of time, he/she must account for his/her absence by bringing a note signed by his/her parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence. This note should be given to the student’s teacher who will forward the note to the office. If a student has a doctor, dental or other professional appointment, he/she is to bring a note to the main office before homeroom. He/She will be given an ARRIVAL SLIP indicating the time he/she is to report to the main office to sign out. The student must wait in the office for his/her parents to arrive. When the student returns to school, he/she must have a note from the doctor, dentist or parent verifying that he/she has been to see the doctor or dentist. Absence from school without parent's/guardian’s consent (truancy) is not acceptable. Truancy is unexcused; therefore, disciplinary actions will follow as stated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. LATE OPENINGS/EARLY CLOSINGS Announcements concerning any changes in the regular school schedule will be made on the local radio and television stations. Parents/guardians may also call 410-677-5100 for a recorded message or access as well as our social media pages. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, RADIO STATIONS, OR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICES REGARDING THESE CHANGES. ATTENDANCE School attendance is important to student achievement. We ask that you help us reach and maintain our attendance goals by scheduling trips, doctor appointments, etc. at times when school is not in session, and by attending school every day unless the child is ill. A note is required that includes the reason for the absence and must be signed by a physician or parent/guardian upon the student’s return to school. ABSENCE FOR TRIPS If a child is to be absent from school due to a family trip, the following provisions, established by the Board of Education, apply. While it is recognized that a trip cannot be considered a legal reason to be absent from school, the maximum number of days that may be excused is three days for a trip and the below should be followed: 1. Notes for any absence must be given to the office. Those not received within 5 days of the absence will not be accepted. 2. The trip must be with family or be parent-sanctioned. 3. Circumstances should be discussed with the principal in advance. 4. All arrangements for making up work should be made with the teacher(s) prior to absence and should be completed within a reasonable time after returning to school. It is recommended that the number of days allowed to make up work be equal to the number of days of absence. 5. The trip should have a definite educational value for the student involved. SCHOOL RULES 1. Walk in hallways. 2. Gum is not allowed at school or on buses.

3. Toys, balls, radios, I-Pods, I-Pads, video games, or any other electronic device is not allowed in the school unless they are being used as part of the classroom curriculum with the teacher’s permission. 4. Cellular phones, smart watches, and laser pointers are not allowed in school. 5. Animals are not permitted in school unless the Administrator gives permission. 6. Foul or profane language and behavior are not appropriate for our learning environment and will not be permitted. 7. Gun, knives, sharp instruments, or any other kind of weapon in school is a violation of Wicomico County Code of Conduct 8. Good manners should be used in the lavatories. 9. Bicycles and skateboards are not to be ridden on the playground or sidewalks. Bicycles should be placed on the racks provided while school is in session. 10.Playing, walking, or running in any driveway or parking lot is not permitted for safety reasons. 11.No physical contact, not even “play fighting,” is permitted. Fighting, “play fighting,” and bullying is in violation of county or school policy. It is better to solve conflicts by reporting and/or talking through them. CAFETERIA RULES 1. Good table manners should be displayed. 2. Quiet conversation is permissible. 3. Move in an orderly fashion into the cafeteria and through the serving line. 4. Students must sit at assigned seats/tables. 5. Students must have permission to leave your table. 6. Students must line up quickly and quietly when directed. ASSEMBLY RULES 1. Orderly arrival and departure are required. 2. Remain silent during the presentation unless the presentation requires response from the audience. 3. Keep hands and feet still and chairs quiet. 4. Applaud at the appropriate times and intervals. 5. There will be no yelling, booing, hissing, or hooting under any circumstances.

PLAYGROUND RULES SWING SET 1. Sit, do not stand, in the swings. 2. Do not push students in the swings. 3. Do not jump out of the swings. 4. Do not twist or swing sideways. 5. Only one person may swing at a time. 6. You must hold on with both hands. 7. Do not wrap the swings’ chains around the vertical bar in an attempt to raise the height of the swing. JUMP ROPE 1. Jump ropes are to be used only for jumping. 2. No tug of war is permitted. BATS AND BALLS (with teacher supervision) 1. Stand behind the backstop when you are waiting your turn. 2. Only school soft balls may be used. 3. No sliding is permitted. SLIDE 1. Only one person at a time is permitted on the slide or the steps. 2. Sit on the slide; do not use knees, back, stomach, or stand up. 3. Climb up the steps; do not climb up the slide part. Stay away from the bottom of the slide. 4. When your turn comes, take it; sitting on the top for a long time is not allowed. 5. No toys, dirt, sticks, etc., are allowed on the slide. 6. Do not play tag or chase on the sliding board. KICK BALL 1. Kicking is to be done away from wires and fences. 2. Watch for fellow playmates as you kick. 3. Avoid kicking a ball in someone’s face or other body areas and causing injury. GENERAL 1. There should be no: physical contact; play-fighting, pushing, or pulling; gymnastics on the ground; climbing on the fence; playing close to stones, trees, and shrubbery; playing between portables; soccer without direct adult supervision, football; kicking balls toward the electric wires or over the fence: throwing stones or other objects at others. 2. Do: get permission to re-enter the building; line up quickly and quietly when the whistle is blown; bring in the equipment you take out.

STUDENT HANDBOOK A copy of this Code is available on the website for all families to read. It is the guide of consequences used when inappropriate behaviors occur. An outline of Codes used for Grades 3-5 is found below. PC = Parent Conference, EXP = Expulsion Disciplinary Office Intermediate Grade 3-5 Physical Attack-Teacher/Staff or other AdultsPhysically attacking an employee of the school system or other adult, including striking a staff member who is intervening in a fight or other disruptive activity. Min. PC Max. EXP Physical Attack on a StudentWillfully and physically pushing, hitting or otherwise attacking another student. PC EXP Verbal or Physical Threat to Teacher, Staff, or Other AdultsThreatening or aggressive language or gestures directed toward a staff member or anyone other than a student. PC 3 days Verbal or Physical Threat to StudentThreatening or aggressive language or gestures directed toward another student. PC 3 days FightingA physical confrontation involving two or more students. PC 5 days Serious Bodily InjurySerious bodily injury to another person that involves the risk of death, extreme physical pain, long-term and obvious disfigurement or the long-term loss or impairment of a bodily member, organ or mental ability. Reference UDEA at 20 U.S.C. 1415 (k)(7)(D) from 18 U.S.C. 1365 (h)(3). 5 days EXP Sexual AssaultPhysical sexual attack on another person during school hours or during any school-supported activity. 5 days EXP SCHOOL BUS RULES 1. Your bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. You are expected to obey your bus driver. 2. If you must cross the road when boarding or leaving the bus, WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS. Your driver can then warn you of danger. Look both ways before crossing the road. 3. Enter and leave the bus by the front door. The back door is for emergency use only. Do not touch the back door except in case of emergency. 4. Promptly take a seat assigned to you. 5. Sit facing forward. Keep your hands, arms and head inside the window. Keep feet, legs, books, and belongings out of the aisle. 6. Do not chew gum or eat on the bus. 7. Help your driver keep the bus clean. 8. Smoking, profane language, and/or weapons will not be tolerated on the bus. 9. Ordinary conversation is permissible. COUNTY SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. The principal and assistant principal may suspend students for additional days. Parents/guardians will be notified of suspensions. The School Bus Discipline Policy is as follows: 1st Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 2nd Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the

discretion of the principal or designee. 3rd Offense Referral to the Transportation Office. Conference with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent, and student (and driver, if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. 4th Offense Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. TELEPHONE USE Students are not permitted to use the school phone. If an emergency arises, the office personnel will make the call in the school office. Reasons for calls vary from school to school, depending on circumstances. TEXTBOOKS & LAPTOPS The student policy of the Board of Education is that textbooks and laptops should be properly cared for to prolong the life of these items. The student will be charged for damaged and/or lost textbooks and laptops. MEDICATION All prescription, over-the counter, homeopathic and herbal medications to be given at school must be ordered by a person authorized to prescribe medication. Written parental consent is required for each medication ordered. The parent must give the first dose of any new prescription, except for emergency medications such as EPI-Pen. The original prescription container should accompany all medications. Medications should be brought to school by the parent or responsible adult. Children are NOT to transport medication to or from school. Children are also not to keep medication in their possession during the school day. All medication must be stored in a locked cabinet. All medication not picked up by the parent or responsible adult will be disposed of one week after the expiration date or at the end of the school year. When the nurse is unable to administer a medication, a trained designated school’s staff person will administer the medication. If more detail is needed regarding these guidelines, the school nurse should be consulted. LOST ITEMS Lost items are placed in the “lost and found” except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses, etc. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each school year, items not claimed will be donated to a charity. EMERGENCY DRILLS Regular emergency drills are held for the student’s protection. When the fire bell rings or code is announced, follow the directions your teacher has practiced with you. If the fire bell rings, or the emergency is announced when the student is in the hallway or elsewhere, the student must leave the building by the nearest exit and go to the nearest adult, who will help the student get to his/her class. DRESS CODE A student’s appearance should reflect pride and respect for self and for school. Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, is torn and ragged, unsafe, or causes a disturbance, is in poor taste and not acceptable. All students should groom and dress

themselves neatly in items that are suitable for school activities. The following types of clothing are unacceptable: ● Halter tops ● Midriff shirts ● See-through blouses ● Large armhole blouses/shirts ● Eyelet or fishnet shirts ● Tank tops ● Very short shorts or skirts ● Thong shoes and flip-flops ● Hats, scarves, and other head coverings, except for religious or cultural reasons, inside the building. ● T-shirts displaying vulgar, obscene, and/or inappropriate pictures and/or writing ● Sagging pants that drag the floor or expose skin or undergarments ● Picks or combs protruding from the hair ● Brass knuckle rings and distracting chains or keychains ● Coats and jackets inside the building ● Gang symbols ● Sunglasses inside the building REPORT CARDS/MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS Report cards are made available on the Family Portal four times during the school year. Please call the school office if you need assistance accessing Family Portal. If you wish to conference with the teacher, please send a message to school. If the teacher has requested a conference, please call or send a note in order to schedule the time. Each student will receive a progress report mid-way through each of the four marking terms. The progress report is also available to families on Family Portal. VISITORS So that the office personnel may have the opportunity to officially greet all parents/guardians, all parents/guardians are asked to come to the school office to register before visiting the school. A notice to this effect is posted on each entrance door of Wicomico County Schools. In addition to allowing us the opportunity to meet visitors to our school, this policy provides for the protection of our students and staff. If a parent/guardian needs to bring something to school for their child or need to confer with the child during the school day, all parents/guardians are asked to report to the office. The office personnel will be glad to provide the parent/guardian with a “Visitor’s Pass” and/or assist in any other way. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are scheduled as part of the students’ educational program. Permission slips must be signed by a parent/guardian before students are permitted to leave the school. MEDIA RELEASE There are occasions throughout the school year when students are involved in activities and events which receive favorable media/newspaper coverage. We are proud to share students’ accomplishments as we hope you are. If you do not wish for your child to have their photo published on social media or other media outlets, please contact the school to opt-out of this opportunity.

CELL PHONES/PERSONAL ELECTRONICS Any personal electronics including, but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. may not be accessed by students from 8:45-4:15 daily. Students who bring such devices to school will be required to turn them off and place them in their backpacks. Students will not be permitted to carry/wear these electronic devices at school. If a student is seen with one of these items, they will be asked to place it in their backpack. If the item continues to cause distractions, it will be confiscated, and a parent will be required to pick it up from the main office after notification. PBIS Our school has contracted to support our students and their positive behaviors through the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). This initiative supports and rewards positive behaviors to students who are caught doing the right thing. Students may “purchase” various items or attendance at certain activities. Students may be invited to go to the school store or participate in a school-sponsored activity. We target specific behaviors occasionally, and reward students who are performing appropriately. School-wide and hallway rules, cafeteria procedures, bus ramp expectations, attendance, and other sections of this document support this initiative. SKATEBOARDS Leave at home your skateboards, skates, rollerblades, roller shoes and any other wheeled contraptions. TOYS Leave at home any toys, games, videos, game consoles, cards or any other play item. As “fidgets” have become popular, we insist that these devices remain at home. They tend to distract others, no matter what the ostensive “therapeutic” benefits may be. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS As we promote communication and remain current, our school website, official Instagram and official Facebook site will be a conduit of information concerning our school and district events. In addition, all our teachers manage a Class Dojo and monitor their email for messages from parents. Please view all our efforts collectively, as you connect with our school and your child’s teacher to keep open our lines of communication. You may access all our email addresses through the website and connect with school administrators and office staff, as well. We continue to rely on our School Messenger email/phone blasts to send messages. Usually, we send them on Friday afternoons or evenings. If you do not receive these messages, we likely do not have updated phone numbers or email addresses; contact our office to ensure that your information is up-to-date.