10 GIFT DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS Please do not have flowers, balloons and similar items delivered to school for students. It is impossible to take such things home on the bus and the arrival of them in classrooms creates a disruption to lessons. This practice will be in place throughout the school year, including during End of Year Ceremonies. Parents will be called to retrieve items delivered within an hour of delivery, as the office will not be able to house them in the office and they will not be delivered to the classrooms. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS We enjoy the opportunity to celebrate with our children. Please note that if you choose to bring in treats, the treats cannot be home-baked goods as they must be store-bought and individually packaged with a nutrition label affixed. In addition, all treats will be distributed at lunch only and must be brought in prior to the scheduled lunch time. No treats will be distributed in the classroom to preserve instructional time. CAFETERIA A menu is available on the county website with breakfast and lunch information. School year 2024-25 we will continue to offer breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of meal eligibility at no charge. These meals will be served under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Through the Maryland Meals for Achievement Program, breakfast is provided free of charge to all students at Fruitland Primary School regardless of meal status. Breakfast is served in the classroom from only 8:45 am to 9:10 am ONLY. Lunches will be served in the cafeteria and students utilizing the free lunch program will need to collect their lunch by walking through the serving line, where Kindergarten through 2nd graders will need to enter their lunch ID. Please work with your child on memorizing this important ID number. All 1st and 2nd grade students are given the opportunity to purchase ice cream. It is imperative they memorize their lunch ID number by the end of the first month of school, to streamline this purchasing process. Payments on accounts can be cash, check or credit card using LINQ Connect. For more information on online payment please reference the food service website available here. Application forms are sent home at the start of each school year and may be obtained from the school office during the school year. If a family’s financial situation changes at any time during the school year, the family may reapply. All information you provide is strictly confidential. The following criteria must be observed in the cafeteria: 1. Table manners must always be displayed. 2. Quiet conversations are permissible until the last 5 minutes of each shift. 3. Students who do not follow the Cafeteria Expectations on the Skipper Pledge may receive disciplinary measures. 4. Students are to remain seated throughout the lunch shift, they are not permitted to exit their seat without permission. 5. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness of their area. 6. Bottled or canned carbonated drinks are not permitted. No glass is permitted. 7. Students are responsible for knowing their lunch account number each day.