Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

12 in your child’s health status. In addition, if there are any restrictions regarding custody/visitation this information should also be shared with the school office and your child’s teacher for the safety of your child. Please provide us with a copy of any legal custody paperwork you may have for your child. A copy of the official paperwork is to have the seal/notary from the court/judge. PROOF OF RESIDENCY It is the responsibility of all parents/guardians to provide the school with proof of their current residency. This may be done in the form of a tax bill, rental lease or utility bill. If you are new to the Fruitland Primary School community from the previous year or have moved over the summer, you are required to provide the school with the proper documentation indicating your current physical address and current mailing address. The school has the right to request updated documentation at any time. Returned mail will prompt the school to request updated proof of residency. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the office. Each school year, current residency must be submitted with opening packets. GUIDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK SERVICES Fruitland Primary School counseling staff provide individual counseling, group counseling and class lessons. The counseling staff will assist students with problems related to academic guidance, behavioral counseling, peer relationship problems, etc. Students can refer themselves or they can be referred by parents, teachers, or administrators. LOST AND FOUND Lost items are displayed on the wall near the cafeteria daily, except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other items that are too small to hang. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each month, clothing that is not claimed will be donated to a charity. Please remind your child to look in the lost and found for his/her belongings when they are missing. Labeling personal items with a student name assists us in helping to reunite your child with their misplaced items. CODE OF CONDUCT The Wicomico County Public School system uses the Code of Conduct, a policy for handling inappropriate and unacceptable behavior in school, on school bus and at school-sponsored activities, which can be found on the county website at It is the guide of consequences used when inappropriate behaviors occur. We ask parents to support this Code, thus increasing its effectiveness at school, on the school bus and during school-sponsored activities. The code will be used routinely by the administrators when assigning consequences for unacceptable behavior. SCHOOL CONDUCT HIGHLIGHTS ▪ Skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are not allowed. ▪ Students must walk quietly in the hallways, breezeway and on sidewalks. ▪ There must be no running in the hallways, breezeway and on sidewalks. ▪ No profane and/or abusive language. ▪ Buying, selling and trading anything is not allowed.